From the Assistant Principal
Miss Kim Bailey
From the Assistant Principal
Miss Kim Bailey
Tax, Super + You
The Commerce class had the opportunity to enter the competition. The aim was to help students learn about tax and superannuation, and challenge them to apply what they have learned. Students were encouraged to think outside the box and create a unique project highlighting how, when and why Australians pay tax. They were given free rein to choose the method of presentation.
Who was eligible to enter?
The competition was open to all students in Years 7–12 enrolled in the Australian education system.
As prize winners, Sasha and Laura will receive Mastercard gift cards worth $1,000 to share. These gift cards can be used at any store that accepts Mastercard. Additionally, $1,000 worth of Mastercard gift cards will be awarded to your school and sent to:
Click here:
A video will be developed to announce the winners and congratulate everyone who entered. Be sure to check it out on Wednesday 20 November, as the winning entries are featured.
Rotary Public Speaking Finals
Congratulations to Hannah Bourke, who competed at the District Final of the Rotary Public Speaking Competition in Forster last Saturday. Hannah acquitted herself very well throughout all rounds of the competition. Well done, Hannah.
Schools Spectacular
Congratulations to Elkie Sargeant who will participate in the NSW Schools Spectacular next weekend in Sydney. Elkie is a member of the State Dance Ensemble.
Classes in the Secondary for Years 7 – 9 are back to normal after completing semester assessments last week. The exams are only part of each student’s assessment profile, and when receiving feedback from their teachers, all students are encouraged to reflect on their efforts this year and how they may improve in the future.
A great approach for students is to undertake a simple SWOT analysis:
Staff are currently finalising the assessment process for their classes and preparing reports, which will be distributed at the end of the term.
All classes will operate as normal for the remainder of the term as coursework is still to be completed across all KLAs.
Year 10 students are involved in activities focusing on preparing for their final Assembly on Friday, the Year 10 Camp at Copeton Dam and the Graduation Mass, which will be held on Friday 6 December.
Next week, they will be completing a block of Work Experience. We appreciate local businesses' generosity in providing placements for the students.
Students and parents have received invitations to the Graduation Dinner on Friday 6 December, at the Inverell RSM Club. Students have been allocated their numbers and tickets can be purchased from the school office from Monday 25 November. We ask that tickets be purchased by Wednesday 4 December. If there are any changes or queries to the numbers already allocated, please contact Miss Bailey as soon as possible.
Vinnies Lap-a-thon
In Week 6, on Thursday 21 November, the Secondary Department will give up their sport time to take part in our annual Vinnies Fancy Dress Lap-a-thon.
Sponsorship forms for the lap-a-thon have been sent home with students. Participants will be asked to collect sponsorship money and donate to this cause. All funds raised will be donated to our local St Vincent de Paul centre for their busy Christmas period. There will be prizes for the best outfits presented for judging. Our Vinnies fundraising will continue with the Thanksgiving Mass in Week 10.
Do you find it hard to get out of bed some days and be positive about going to school and learning? It can be hard to turn the day around when you wake up like this and don’t take steps to start your day in a positive way. Your approach in the first hour of the day dictates the direction of your day of learning at school.
To ensure you start your mornings well you need to make sure you have a night-time and wake-up routine.
1. Set Your Intentions Before Bed: consciously decide every night to create a positive expectation for the next morning.
2. Move Your Alarm Clock Across The Room: so you have to get up to turn it off.
3. Brush Your Teeth: when you wake up and splash water on your face.
4. Drink a Full Glass of Water: to hydrate yourself after several hours without water.
5. Add some of the following ideas to your own routines.
The “Miracle Morning” is a book written by Hal Elrod, and he speaks about starting your morning with “Life SAVERS”. The idea is that you add some of these to your morning routine or come up with your own activities for a positive start to the morning:
· Silence can be meditation, mindfulness, prayer etc.
· Affirmation can be a word you use that reminds you of who you are and how to be.
· Visualisation is an intention (directing your focus) on how you want your day to be.
· Exercise can be a short walk or stretching or going for a run (exercise is a great thing to do in the morning).
· Reading something that is positive and enjoyable. What you read “resonates” with you. It gets you thinking and expanding “beyond yourself”.
· Scribe is about journaling. Writing in your journal about your day gives you insight and clarity about issues. It also helps you realise what’s working and how far you have come.
These tips are courtesy of
Students are not permitted to use their devices unless instructed by a teacher. This includes both the classroom and the playground. The students are aware of this policy and receive constant reminders in Pastoral Care and their teaching classes. There are also many posters displayed all around the school.
If a student needs to use their device, they must first seek permission from a teacher and use it in an area designated by the teacher. This is usually under their direct supervision or outside the Secondary staffroom.
If students cannot follow this policy, their phones are confiscated and placed securely in Miss Bailey's office, where they are collected by the student at the end of the school day.
Teachers record each time a device is confiscated. After it is confiscated for a second time, it remains at school until it can be collected by a parent or carer.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning or wellbeing, please contact Miss Bailey, your child's Pastoral Care teacher or their subject teacher. We are only too happy to assist.
Year 7:
7E - Mr Peter Ehsman
7J – Mr Jack Jeffery
7K - Miss Kristina Majetic
7M – Mrs Veronica McCormick
Year 8:
8G - Mr Anthony Gaias
8M - Mrs Christine McLachlan
8T - Mrs Kathy Townsend
8W - Mr Sam White
Year 9:
9C – Miss Claudia Cush
9E - Mrs Angela East
9U - Mr Uebergang
Year 10:
10B - Miss Kim Bailey
10K - Mr David Koch
Students and parents are encouraged to approach the relevant Pastoral Care teacher if they need assistance.
Stage Leaders
Stage 4 - Mr Anthony Gaias
Stage 5 - Mrs Angela East
Miss Kim Bailey
Miss Claudia Cush
Mrs Claudia Dolbel
Mrs Angela East
Mr Peter Ehsman
Mr Anthony Gaias
Miss Alana Goldman
Mrs Mary-Jane Guest
Mrs Malynda Hiscock
Mr Jack Jeffery
Mr David Koch
Miss Kristina Majetic
Mrs Veronica McCormick
Ms Christine McLachlan
Mr Matthew Pye
Mrs Jane Taylor
Mrs Katherine Townsend
Mr Blake Uebergang
Mrs Carrie Watchirs
Mr Sam White
Staff can be contacted directly using the email address above or via the Compass portal.