
Horse Riding at Mazenod 

Mazenod students both past and present will remember their experience of horse-riding on the Year 8 Camp. For most students these days, it’s their first close-up experience with a horse.  Boys pictured here are from the 2016 cohort of Year 8’s who participated in the activity with emotions of excitement and apprehension. As do Year 8 students before and after them.

One of Mazenod’s earliest experiences with horse-riding occurred in November 1970, with the staging of first Mazenod Gymkhana at Akoonah Park, Berwick. It was a spectacular event organised by Mrs Matthews and the Ladies Auxiliary with the assistance of the Men’s Committee to raise money for heaters in classrooms.  The day started at 9.00 am and continued until 5.00 pm with 350 cars entering the grounds in attendance.


Events were contested over three arenas. ‘In Ring 1 jumping events were held; Ring 2 had riding events, and Ring 3 was the place for led and ridden ponies’.  Spectators were treated to a precision marching performance by the Victoria Police Highland Pipe Band under its drum major, First-Constable Bill Ogilvie and the drum horse "Gendarme" was ridden by Senior Constable Alex Tassell. There was also a dressage demonstration by the horse "Aintree Boy" famous for its performances at the Royal Melbourne and Adelaide Shows, as well as functions at Government House for the Governor of Victoria. It was ridden by Constable Owen Matthews. The Mazenod Gymkhana is recorded in the 1970 Mazenodian. It can also be viewed in the Mazenod College Timeline on the College website.

You are invited to access the 1970 Mazenodian and digital copies of all past Mazenodian magazines in the Mazenod College Digital Archive.

Contact the archives on <>. We welcome donations of memorabilia from your association with the College for inclusion in the Archives.






Camilla Elliott

College Archivist