School News and Information
Stage 2 News
Term 1 has been an exciting and action packed time for Stage 2. We have gotten into our learning routines, and have had lots of fun experiences.
Keeping Place Excursion
Stage 2 had an amazing experience at the Armidale Aboriginal Keeping Place last week. We worked with Bob who used to dance for Bangarra Dance Company. He taught us lots of traditional dances from country all around New South Wales. We learnt the seagull, pippi, willy wagtail and emu dances and had a lot of fun! We also did a great ochre painting workshop with the Keeping Place artist in residence Tyler, who showed us traditional methods of ochre painting. We also got to have traditional face painting done. This excursion set us up beautifully to begin our new History unit Country and Place.
Stage 2 worked hard over the last two weeks learning, revising and consolidating their knowledge of measurement. We used millimetres, centimetres, and metres to measure a variety of things in our classrooms and around our school. We used rulers, measuring tapes and trundle wheels to measure and thought about why it it is important to have a standard unit of measurement.
We have begun learning about fractions this week, thinking about examples of fractions in real life as well as creating our own fraction walls.
In English, we have finished our work on Fantastic Mr Fox, and have moved onto some different text types with the books Iceberg by Claire Saxby, and Earth’s Incredible Oceans by Jess French. We have been investigating how texts have a purpose, and how the purpose of a text determines the kind of language used.
Hockey Skills
On Tuesday, Stage 2 worked with Jake from Hockey New South Wales to learn some hockey skills and play some games. We had so much fun! Thanks Jake!
Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews
This week we have been conducting our parent/teacher/student interviews. It is so lovely to sit down and have a chat with families about how their students are going here at school.
Have a wonderful week MGPS!
Miss Landow and Miss Randall