Arts News

Great Southern Youth Art Award

We were delighted on Friday night at the Town Hall when two students won prizes. 


Congratulations to Aila Michael in Year Three who won the Best 2D Prize Under 12 years. The judges said ‘they adored the obvious delight the artist has found in the nuts and plant matter. The joy of using a limited palette and extending the appreciation of each ‘particle’ by the simple use of black. Compositionally the artist has given thought to where each piece is placed. We loved that we could see the brushstrokes as they sat so happily on the grey background.’








Congratulations to Annabelle Lydeamore, Year Twelve, who won the Best 2D Prize, 12-18 years. The judges said noted ‘the complete joy that this artist has been able to create several artworks into the one finished piece. The dexterity shown in the lino-cut, perhaps created in two pieces and then formed together, and then the overlay of colour to draw the viewer’s eyes in. It’s strength is in the eyes of Joan as she rolls her eyes to the skies as an act of what? Boredom. Judgement or to simply not react to our eyes glaring at her. Wonderful work to contemporize an older story. Strength, belief and courage.’




Many thanks to the City of Albany for making this Youth Art Award possible.  The exhibition will be on from 15 March to 24 April.

Ceramics Club


A group of young ceramicists have been busy throwing on the pottery wheels each Thursday afternoon. Guided by Nathan Bray they have been mastering their throwing techniques and experimenting with different glazing techniques. They have created some lovely functional pieces.



Ms Rachel Mordy | Head of the Arts