Cocurricular News

Our adventurous Year Ten students recently embarked on two exciting camp options. They had the choice of either the Blackwood River Expedition or a thrilling Voyage onboard the STS Leeuwin.


Year Ten - Blackwood River Expedition

Our students navigated the stunning waters of the Blackwood River. Guided by experienced instructors, and dedicated staff they prepared meals, observed wildlife, practiced their teamwork and honed their outdoor campcraft skills. The expedition provided a unique opportunity for our students to connect with nature, each other and learn to embrace challenge.




Year Ten - STS Leeuwin Voyage

For those with a taste for adventure on the high seas, the STS Leeuwin offered an unforgettable experience. Our students became part of the crew, hoisting sails, navigating the ship, and learning about maritime history. The salty breeze, the rhythmic sway of the vessel, and the camaraderie of shipmates created memories that will last a lifetime.



Year Eight Students Thrive at Camp Kennedy

Meanwhile, our Year Eight students spent three days and two nights at Camp Kennedy. This immersive experience was a blend of sailing, service, and challenge activities. From team-building exercises to community service at aged care homes, our students discovered their strengths, had new experiences, forged some new friendships, and reflected on the school values of  Integrity, Respect, Compassion and Commitment.



As we reflect on these enriching camp experiences, we celebrate the resilience, curiosity, and growth of our students. We look forward to more exciting adventures in the future! 


Mr Ian Robson | Head of Cocurricular