Primary School

Primary School

So many great things are happening this week in Primary School! 

We finished off last week by leaping into Harmony Week with some fun House activities learning about many of the cultures that all belong to Australia. On Monday our Pre-Primaries had a visit from Larry Blight and his reptilian pets as part of their inquiry into animals and what makes their homes. Our Year Threes and Fives have been completing their NAPLAN assessments and today the classrooms are popping with colourful socks and kicks for Camfield’s fundraiser in support of their sponsor child, Kosal, and the Gillamii Centre which assists farmers in the Great Southern. 


Tomorrow, we look forward to our first Walk/Ride to School Day and the Year Two’s assembly.  


Culture, Engagement and Excellence 

Harmony Day 

On Friday, students from Pre-Primary to Year Six gathered in House groups to learn about the many cultures that now call Australia home as part of the “We All Belong” Harmony Week celebrations. Students enjoyed bocce, capture the flag, circus skills, cooking, flag making, arts and crafts, and song. 


A big thank you to our teachers and parent volunteers for their time creating these valuable experiences.  


Try-a-Sport Day 

Our Year Sixes spent today at the Centennial Sporting Precinct trying out sports they have not played competitively before. Run by the Development Officers for each sport, these days are a fantastic way to promote trying a new team sport. 


Thank you Mr Stephen Berryman for coordinating and taking our AFL team, Miss Carys Nichols for leading our soccer team and Mr Paul Osborne for looking after our hockey team.  


ECC Briefing: School Values – Compassion 

Here we are at Week Eight. 

Energy is high in the ECC and we were excited for Socks and Kicks Day and looking forward to Walk/Ride to School day! 



Our value this week was 'Compassion', and it was so nice to hear some of the ways our students show compassion every day! The Year Six Leaders spoke about the Foodbank drive initiated by Year Eleven. Each class will have a box to collect non-perishable items. 



Value Awards  

Kindergarten – Julian Dowell  

Pre-Primary – Jemima Lester  

Year One – Wesley Jenkins  

Year Two – Sonny Williamson 


Star Awards 

Kindergarten – Harry Downham 

Pre-Primary – Isla Hodge 

Year One – Tawananyasha Paradza 

Year Two – Zayne Prasad 



Socks and Kicks 

Well done Primary School students and Camfield House families on getting behind a fun day for two worthy causes. Enjoy the highlights reel of today’s fashions.  



Upcoming Events  

Week Eight 

Friday 22 March 


Walk/Ride to School Day


I look forward to seeing as many families as possible tomorrow morning at Coraki Park, 7.45am for an 8.00am departure to school. The weather is set to make it a beautiful walk or ride along Oyster Harbour. Mr Paul Osborne will lead our bike riders off at 8.00am with the walking group following behind. 


Please ensure you have a helmet if you are riding and park your bikes in the dedicated racks before entering the school grounds. Mrs Keatch will ferry the bags to school on the mini-bus and parents can be shuttled back to Coraki Park to their cars via the mini-bus at 8.50am (leaving from the front of school). 


Only those Primary School students who walk to school are welcome to wear their sport uniform for the day and all who walked, or rode can enjoy a muffin and Milo on arrival outside the library. 


Year Five Excursion to the Fish traps and Yoorl Park


Year Two Assembly (2.20pm in the Hall, all welcome to attend)  


Week Nine 

Monday 25 March and Tuesday 26 March - School Photos 


Please wear correct uniform. All students in Year Three and up should be in presentation uniform for class and individual photos. Sibling photos are before school. 

Please ensure all photo envelopes are returned to the classroom teacher regardless of whether or not you wish to order photos.  


Thursday 28 March – P&F Colour Run 


We welcome parents to watch on the day and ECC parents are very much encouraged to collect students from the Colour Run (oval) at the end of the event to assist us in changing them back into their warm clothes. 


To celebrate the end of term, the P&F Colour Run is here! 


What happens for the Colour Run? 


A rainbow of colour will greet students as they run their way through a variety of activities, through a designated track, getting splashed with water and colour (by teachers, staff and members of the P&F) as they go. It will be a fantastic day with music, colour, obstacles and fire's time to get wet and very colourful!


What do I need to take part in the Colour Run? 


Students will need to bring a white t-shirt and some shorts (suitable for school) from home for the Colour Run. The t-shirt might be from an op-shop, a hand-me-down or one bought for this event. Students may like to wear their school bathers under their t-shirt for the event. They will need a towel and duffel (or other suitable) bag to put wet gear into, following the run. 


Important information


Students should wear sport uniform, consisting of GSG navy shorts and the striped navy and red polo shirt to school on the day. Students will get changed into their white t-shirt and shorts from home before their run time and change back into their sport uniform following the run. 


There will be icy poles available for purchase on the day for $1.00 to fundraise for P&F contributions to new playground equipment. Students will run in groups to ensure they can maximise the fun. 


Run times are as follows: 

Year Group

Run Time

Years Seven and Eight


Years Nine and Ten


Years Eleven and Twelve


Years Three to Six


ECC (Kindergarten to Year Two)


Please note that students in Year Seven to Twelve will return to class in Period Seven and Eight on this day. 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Ms Leah Field | Head of Primary