Rush House News

Mr Scott Minogue, Pastoral Leader - Rush

All those I have spoken to lately agree that Term 1 came and went very quickly. This might be because of the number of events that took place within the space of ten weeks. Now that we come to the end of the term, I thought I would look back at some of the key events that the Rush students were involved in.

Orientation Day – Week 1

We started the term with Orientation Day and welcoming the Rush Year 7s and new students. Some were understandably nervous in the first few weeks, and it is a big College to get your head around, but I was proud of how everyone tackled it. Students now understand the routine and procedures and are making the most of what Marist has to offer – inside the classroom, and out. I am very proud of how these young men have started their journey, and they have quickly become valued additions to the Rush Rampage.

Year 7 Camp – Week 3

Year 7 camp was a good opportunity for Year 7 Rush to get to know each other better and strengthen bonds. The activities were designed to test the students, and it was encouraging to see the support from the group when individuals had to face their fears/challenges. I was proud to see that all students were able to give each activity a go. Benji Blaszczyk and Joe Murphy (Year 10) and also provided great support for me and the boys.


Swimming Carnival – Week 4

The Swimming Carnival is always a highlight for many students. Success in this event requires all students to attend and participate, as points are awarded for anyone who competes. The Seniors rallied the Rush Rampage to come together and do their best, regardless of their swimming ability. The boys heard the call and were eager to represent in each of the events, and as a result, we finished 2nd place on the day. Rush Sports Captain Isaac Roach said that this was the highest place for Rush in Swimming that he can remember, and I would have to agree. This strong result was due to a mix of ability and participation – an example that teamwork pays off!

Year 12 Formal – Week 5

On Saturday 24th February, Year 12 attended their formal at Brisbane City Hall. The Seniors looked amazing, and from my observations on the night, they were respectful to each other and their partners. The ‘smart’ look turned sweaty and a little dishevelled once the dance floor opened, but I think that was the sign of a good evening. This night was a reminder that the Year 12s are now starting to have final memorable moments as they participate in Senior-specific activities and events for the last time.


Inter-House Spelling Bee Competition – Week 6

In Week 6, Harold House hosted the inter-house spelling competition. Thank you to those who represented Rush House. It was a challenging competition and needed teams to work together to spell some pretty tricky words.


Year 8 Pastoral Day – Week 7

I wasn’t able to attend this event at Mt Coot-tha this year, but the teachers who accompanied Rush reported back to me that the boys did well working together to complete the challenges. Thank you to Mr Brad Winchester and Mr Michael Green for supporting the boys. There were hurdles, and that was the point of the day, but no one threw in the in the towel. There were some skills that they learnt on the day that will come in handy for the Year 9 camp next year. 


Parents/guardians, whether we have needed to be in communication or not, I want to thank you for your support. I hope that the Rush community has a safe and enjoyable Easter break, and a chance to recharge the batteries after a busy assessment period. 

Talk soon. God bless.

Scott Minogue