Music News

Dear Band Families,
Get Excited!!! Band Camp is on THIS weekend!!!!!
We have our final Band Camp meeting via Zoom tonight (Monday 18th March), everyone is welcome to join, we strongly encourage all parent volunteers to attend:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 682 9853 1817
Passcode: 134031
Parents, please ensure all Camp fees have been paid, and the Parent Helper Roster and google form for your child’s dietary requirements and photo consent have been completed. Also do not forget to fill in your child’s pizza order!
Weekend Reminders:
Saturday registration starts at 12.30 pm (Please note: Children should not be dropped off before that time, as they will NOT be supervised).
Children need to arrive by 12.40pm (please ensure your child has lunch before coming).
Please note: You are required to sign your child IN and OUT of band camp each day. Please do not drop them off without signing them in!
Dress code for the weekend is mufti with the exception of Sunday's concert. The concert will be in full band uniform - which is the Band T-shirt, long black pants, black socks and polished school shoes, all labelled. Please make sure that the children have their shirts prior. This is available via the Roselea uniform shop on QKR! app.
Pick up time for children on Saturday is 6.30pm and they will be provided pizza for dinner (Order Form Here). Don't forget to sign them out before picking them up from pizza.
Sunday registration starts at 8.45am for a 9.00am start. Children need to arrive by 8.55am and will be directed to go straight to their tutorial / rehearsal location.
Children need to bring their Band Uniform in a bag to change into for the Concert.
The Sunday afternoon Concert starts at 2.30pm.
BBQ Lunch - The children will be having a BBQ sausage lunch on Sunday before the concert. Please make sure to indicate any allergies/dietary requirements in your Google form registration.
And once again, please do not forget to sign children out after the concert.