Upcoming Events

Harmony Day
Harmony Day is a celebration of Australian Multiculturalism. It is a day for all Australians to celebrate our cultural diversity, to take a stand against racism, share the values of Australian democracy and promote community harmony.
To celebrate Harmony Day, we will be holding a special assembly on Thursday, 21 March from 9am to 9:30am. We would like to invite all parents and carers to join us for our upcoming Harmony Day assembly. The children are asked to wear their national costumes or orange clothes (orange is the international colour of harmony). Parents are also welcome to wear their national dress. The program will include a Chinese dance, speeches by four students, followed by a class display of national dress and buddy class activities.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Dong, Mrs Khastgir and Mrs Son
Easter Hat Parade
Dear Parents/Carers,
You are warmly invited to attend the Easter Hat Parade on Thursday 28 March at 2.15pm. Please join us on the basketball court as the K-2 students sing some songs and parade their amazing hat creations. All hats will be made at school with buddy classes, with all required materials supplied by the school. Please note that students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 3.00pm.
Mrs Idstein - Assistant Principal K-2
ANZAC Day Service 2024
The Roselea Anzac Day Service for 2024 will be held on Monday, 8 April (Term 1, Week 11), commencing at approximately 9:30am, under the Cola. On this day, we will commemorate our past and present Defence Force personnel. All students in our school will be present and our school band will play. Warrant Officer Luke Brewer will also address our students.
Students who are in a service group outside of school, such as Cubs, Guides, Scouts or Brigades are most welcome to wear their service uniform on the day. Also, students may wear family service medals, if you wish. On the day all students will wear a special felt poppy, made by a former parent, Mrs Jennifer Kingman. The poppies are either red, purple or white. Red represents fighting and support personnel, white represents medical personnel and purple represents the animals which have served in the armed forces.
We also ask that on the morning of 8 April, families send flowers from their own garden or artificial flowers, so that each class may make a wreath, which will be placed at the bell tower, beneath the Australian flag, during the service. Children of current serving Defence personnel will also place flowers at the bell tower. The wreaths will afterwards be taken to local War Memorial Cenotaphs.
We would like to extend an invitation to all our school community, to join us for this special service. To assist with our planning, if you are able to be present on Monday, 8 April, please complete the form below, indicating that you will be joining us.
Cross Country 2024
The cross country will be held on Thursday, 11 April from 9:30am to 11:00am on the Roselea and Carlingford HS ovals. Parents and carers are invited to spectate the event. More information and an online form will be sent out via School Bytes.
Dates for your Diary:
21 March: Harmony Day
23-24 March: Band Camp
25-27 March: Parent Teacher Interviews
27 March: Easter Service
28 March: Easter Hat Parade
29 March: Good Friday
1 April: Easter Monday