P&C News

Uniform Shop
Term 1 Uniform Shop Trading date and hours:
Thursday 4 April 2:30pm-3:15pm
We do weekly uniform order deliveries every Thursday/Friday during the school term. Please place your order by 10pm Tuesday for delivery in the same week.
Please feel free to email roseleaunifromshop@gmail.com for any questions.
P&C C.H.A.T. Group
Our monthly Parents and Carers C.H.A.T. Group at RPS is coming up this Friday, March 22nd at 9am in the school hall! This month we are organising the items for our upcoming Mother's Day Stall. If you have a free hour Friday morning after drop off please stop by and have a C.H.A.T and lend a hand. Coffee, tea and a nibble or two will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend and we would love to see you there!
Book Club Information
Dear families,
Thank you for supporting the library with your issue 1 purchases from the book club. The catalogue for issue 2 has been sent home with your children. Alternatively check it out online at https://www.scholastic.com.au/book-club/book-club-parents/book-club/
Some craft kits that you might want to consider for your children for the upcoming holidays include -
#009 Harry Potter Clay Charms
#022 Ultimate Gemstone & Dig Kit
#037 Make Your Own Squishy: Underwater Creatures
#052 Pottery Kit
#245 Colour Your Own Super-Cute Unicorn Squishy
#253 Create Your Own Sand Art
#423 Create Your Own Bath Bombs
#446 Sew Your Own Donut Animals
Don't forget to spend your $5 credit if you spent more than $35 in Issue 1!
To order, simply go to www.scholastic.com.au/loop and follow the prompts. Orders will be due back on Monday 25 March.
If you are ordering a gift for your children please make sure you select the 'Gift box' option when ordering so that the gift can be kept at the office. You will then be contacted so that you can collect the books at your convenience.
Happy reading!
Karina F - Book Club Coordinator
Easter Raffle 2024
Every year Roselea PS holds an Easter Raffle. All prizes are made up from Easter egg/ Easter toys and baskets donated by the students. The more eggs you donate, the more prizes we have to offer and the more chances you have to win! Donations can be left at the office in a specially marked box.
This year the Easter raffle will be drawn in week 9, on Thursday 28th of March, at the Easter Hat parade. Last year we had over 80 prizes to raffle.
Ten Easter raffle tickets will be given to every student during week 7. Tickets cost $1.00 each. Please complete your contact details on the ticket stub and return the stubs + money in the envelope provided. Alternatively return the stubs in the envelope provided and use QKR to pay the $10. Please return any unsold tickets to the collection box at the office as soon as possible. Extra tickets are available at the office.
Donations of Easter eggs/toys and baskets will be gratefully accepted until Monday 25th of March (Week 9). All tickets also need to arrive at the school office before Monday the 25th of March to be included in the draw. Thank you all for your support of this event.
Kirsten W and Nicole Hill– on behalf of the Roselea Auxiliary.