Upcoming Events

Please note these dates in your calendar:
Term 2
Week 2
Tuesday 7th May - P&F Meeting (5:30pm)
Friday 10th May - Mother's Day Liturgy/Picnic
Week 3
Friday 17th May - Dr Cameron Stelzer Visit
Friday 17th May - Dio Cross Country (Barraba)
Week 5
Catholic Schools Week
Monday 27th May - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 28th May - First Eucharist Information Night
Week 7
Wednesday 10th June - SAC Meeting
Sunday 16th June - First Eucharist (9am)
Week 8
Tuesday 18th June- RE Test (Year 6)
Australian Dental Visit
Week 9
Thursday 27th June - School Photos (Please note change of date)
Friday 28th June - Pupil Free Day
Week 10
Friday 5th July - Athletics Carnival
Friday 5th July - Last day of Term 2
Term 3
Week 1
Monday 22nd July - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 23rd July - School Resumes
Week 5
22nd August - NSW CPR Program (Stage 3)
Week 10
Friday 27th October - Pupil Free Day
Term 4
Week 1
Monday 14th October - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 15th October - School Resumes
Week 5
11th November - 15th November - Stage 3 Canberra Excursion
Week 10
Thursday 19th December - Last Day for Students
Friday 20th December - Pupil Free Day