Library News

Scholastic Book Club
Issue 3 Book Club brochures are coming home with the students soon. There are spare copies in the office foyer if needed. Please place any orders by
Wednesday 1st May.
Here is a link to the online Book Club:
Thank you.
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge (VPRC)
This is a fun way to promote reading at school and at home!
Information, usernames and passwords were distributed last term, but if you have missed or lost this notice, you can read all about it on the website at . The class teachers have a copy of their students' passwords, or you can email me at and I will get back to you asap.
It is great to see that some students have already begun their Reading Challenge journey and have logged on to the website, uploading the books they have read.
Remember the challenge runs until 6th September 2024. You can log in anytime and add books to your profile.
Those who achieve their reading goal will be recognised in Term 4 with a certificate.