Faith Reflection and RE News
Faith Reflection
Mark 14:1 – 15:47- The Crucifixion of Jesus
Throughout this week’s Gospel reflection, we hear the historical account of Jesus’ trial and eventual crucifixion. I feel that every time we read the accounts from the Apostles, we take away something new. Whether we like it or not, the passage is perhaps a clear reflection of sometimes the worst we see in humanity. We have those in power willing to execute Jesus to strengthen their own positions. The masses that had welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem only a little while earlier had all turned on him. Many of his disciples had let him down or outright denied knowing him.
Unfortunately, we see elements of this around the world today. Those who speak up against authority are persecuted sometimes at the hands of those who had claimed to be supporters. We can all think of examples of when we have seen someone stand up to speak for others, only to find that they are left abandoned. What's more, they may actually become a target themselves. For the Jewish population at the time, many had seen Jesus’ trial and death in the light of another failed military figure. The authorities, on the other hand, perceived him as a heretic spreading teachings that challenged their positions. The Romans seemed to see Jesus as a relatively harmless rebel, but one that was stirring up too many problems. Accordingly, we see Jesus charged, mocked, and left for dead.
After the ninth hour, Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last.
The centurion, who was standing in front of him and had seen how he died, then said, “In truth, this man was a son of God.” This is perhaps one of many ironies that are littered throughout the Bible. It is the blind, deaf, and dumb who would see and hear Jesus’ message. It is the dead Lazarus who goes on to live out Jesus’ message. In the final twist, it is the Roman Centurion and the thieves on the cross who recognize Jesus.
For us, we understand this dark chapter doesn’t finish here. Rather, three days later, to the disbelief of everyone, he would return and reveal his mission in its fullness. As we finish our Lenten season, we are called to reflect on how we treat others. Do we stand for the disenfranchised? Do we stand with others when they help others?
-Jonathan Rooney
RE News
Way of the Cross Liturgy
On Thursday, March 28th, at 9:00 a.m., the Mini Vinnies and SRC students will be leading the Way of the Cross. The Way of the Cross is a Christian tradition that commemorates the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It consists of fourteen different stations (or scenes) which the children will act out. This allows us to reflect on the Easter events and consider what they mean to each of us. Parents are welcome to attend.
When: Thursday, March 28th, at 9:00 a.m.
Where: Parish Church
Confirmation - Sunday 28th @ 2.00pm
First Communion - Saturday 9th November @ 6.00pm
Sunday 10th November @ 10.00am
Saturday 16th November @ 6.00pm
Sunday 17th November @ 10.00am
Project Compassion
A friendly reminder that St John Vianney's is raising money for project compassion. A HUUUGEE thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. We have raised $265.00 - thank you!
Please use the link below or use the QR code.