A Message from the Deputy Principal

Welcome Back
As we embrace the fresh beginning of a new term, I extend a warm welcome back to each and every one of you after what I hope was a restful and enjoyable Easter break. It was a pleasure to see our students return with renewed energy and enthusiasm with our SWell Start to the term. A new initiative this year, our SWell Start to the Year and SWell Day each term beginning focuses on our priority of Student Wellbeing and ensures a positive environment for learning.
A special shout out to the dedication and support of our teaching staff who all dressed up in colour as fairies sharing their unique passions and talents. This certainly added some fun to the day and brought smiles to the faces of many members of our community. It is not often you see the school Principal dressed up as a Violet Crumble!
This term, we would like to continue to foster a spirit of working together, recognising that when we do this we can achieve remarkable things! Together, let us continue to nurture a culture of collaboration, respect, and excellence, ensuring that every child thrives and flourishes. I encourage you to regularly check our school communications application ‘Audiri’ and mark your calendars for any upcoming significant events, especially those specifically scheduled for your children’s learning area.
Our learning showcases, assemblies, liturgies and Masses provide a wonderful opportunity for students to demonstrate their achievements and share their learning with you. As partners in your children’s education, your presence and participation in these events are invaluable. Your support not only enriches their educational experience but also strengthens the bonds within our school community.
Showcase of Learning and Open Classrooms
We look forward to welcoming our Prep families onsite tomorrow, Friday 19th April from 8:45am for their Showcase of Learning, and also our SLA families onsite from 2:30pm for their history museum.
In a couple of weeks’ time, on Friday 3rd May, we welcome our JLA families onsite from 8:45am, and also our MLA families onsite from 2:30pm for their Learning Showcases.
Additionally, our assemblies serve as a platform for students to share their learning, share important announcements, and reinforce our school learning dispositions. I encourage you to join us during these gatherings to witness firsthand the achievements and contributions of our school community.
Our next Assembly is led by our SLA team next Wednesday 24th April with an ANZAC focus. Please note the change in day as we have the Public holiday on Thursday 25th April and two pupil free days for staff professional development on Friday 26th April and Monday 29th April.
Community Conversations: Home Learning
An ongoing schoolwide project has been to refine our Homework Policy. As part of my role as Leader of School Improvement I will be holding Community Conversations later in the term to present and discuss the research and current policies and practices of neighbouring primary and secondary schools, and also provide an opportunity for members of our community to gather and share their thoughts and perspectives about home learning. This collaboration will support us in the development of our school policy and approach to home learning. Further information and dates will be shared with you soon.
Each year level currently has their own approach to home learning, which connects and builds upon the learning within the classroom and personalised goals of individual students. Whilst the policy is in development, the minimum expectation across the school is daily reading, which should be recorded in the student diary. We acknowledge the sporting and extra curricular commitments that many of our families and students have and value these also as quality learning and life experiences.
Looking for to working with you for a successful second term!
Geraldine Crowe
Deputy Principal