From Mrs Scott's Desk
Friday 12th April 2024
From Mrs Scott's Desk
Friday 12th April 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
Here we are already at the close of Term 1, 2024!
Whilst the term has gone very quickly, we have certainly achieved so much in this time. Our Kindy children have settled into their new school life and our other students have continued to grow and learn in their new classes.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing staff here at St Joseph’s. Their care and professionalism has been paramount to the success of Term 1. I hope they have a restful break before returning to Term 2.
A huge thank you to all of our families and school community for their continued support and involvement in our school. We are all working together to ensure our students have the best education and how lucky are our students to have this incredibly supportive community.
Sporting Events
It was wonderful to see so many families supporting the students at the Athletics Carnival on Monday.
Our positive school spirit was alive on the day and I was so proud of the students' sportsmanship and positive encouragement they showed for one another. A special thanks goes to Mrs Salmon and Mr Pratt for their organisation of the carnival; to the staff for their supervision and assistance with the events; to parents for their assistance at events such time keeping and finally, to Mrs Lisa Oliver for her organisation and preparation of the canteen along with the team of parents who assisted in the canteen. The collaboration of our whole school community is what makes events such as the Athletics carnival so successful.
Congratulations to all the students who competed in the Diocesan Cross Country on Tuesday in Griffith and for the families who drove them there and back.
We are proud of their efforts and sportsmanship as ambassadors of our school.
Winter Uniform
We will begin next term in summer uniform for the first two weeks to allow a transition time into winter uniform and also because it is still sometimes quite warm. Please see further in the newsletter, the winter uniform requirements for students and information around ordering uniforms.
ALL students MUST wear their winter uniform from Monday 13th May, 2024.
School ties are currently optional and are only worn for special occasions such as school photo day and School Presentation Ceremony . If you haven’t purchased a school tie, it is recommended you do so, so that students have access to one when they need to wear it.
The only jewellery permitted to be worn at school by students is a watch, a small signet ring, stud earrings (gold or silver) or a fine neck chain with a Religious icon.
To order winter uniforms, please follow the instructions via link:
Please have your orders in before the end of April, as Ange will place all orders on the 1st May. Ange will then contact you when they are ready to collect from her business premises.
School Photos
Our school photos will be taken in Week 1 next term on Thursday 2nd May, 2024. ALL students will be required to wear their full summer uniform with a school tie. Girls can wear Navy hair accessories as per the uniform policy.
Children will not receive a paper order form to submit, all orders will be taken through Compass. Please ensure you have placed your order by the end of April.
Student Toilet Block Upgrade
The upgrade of our student toilet block will commence in the holidays with refurbishment inside and outside the block.
The builders are hoping to be completed a couple of weeks into Term 2. In the meantime, the students will use the toilet facilities in the hall during playtimes and the toilets in each classroom block during class time.
Anzac Day March
Our school will be marching in the Junee Anzac Day March on 25th April. Last year we had excellent representation from our students and staff. I invite all our students, if they are available, to be part of the march again this year.
They will need to be in their full summer school uniform with ties and will need to meet teachers on the Peel St side of Memorial Park at 10.00am.
We will have some water bottles for students but if parents are attending with their child could they also please pack water bottles in case the children need them after the march. Students won’t be carrying water bottles with them in the march.
Students can be collected from the grassed area near the cenotaph after the service.
SJJU Social and Fundraising Committee
The canteen at the sports carnival was the last fundraising event, and coming into Term 2 our next social event is the Mother’s Day High Tea. This will be hosted by the Kindergarten parents on Friday 10th April starting at 1.15pm in the school hall.
For our new families and those who haven’t attended before, it is a very special afternoon for the mother’s, grandmother’s and special women in the lives of our students to come together, enjoy wonderful company, entertainment and delicious food.
I extend a warm welcome to the women in our school community to come along and be part of this beautiful event.
Wellbeing for Learning at St Joseph’s
Guided by our faith in Christ's love for all, our school remains committed to fostering the wellbeing of each student. We will continue to implement initiatives from our Diocesan Wellbeing for Learning Framework, ensuring a faith-filled environment that promotes student connectedness and belonging.
Our school's particular focus this year is Positive Behaviours for Learning, which fosters a respectful and positive learning environment. This data-driven approach aligns with Catholic teachings on the dignity and worth of every person. It allows us to provide universal support for all students, nurturing their spiritual, emotional, and academic growth. This focus builds upon our existing efforts as a Christ-centred learning community.
In the spirit of compassion and care, our school also offers various student wellbeing initiatives. These include our Centacare School Wellbeing Practitioner who plays a vital role in the continuum of pastoral care. This service includes one on one counselling as well as providing targeted group work that strengthens students' social-emotional skills and emotional literacy. These sessions promote healthy coping mechanisms all within a safe and supportive environment.
Take care everyone over the holidays and see you back in Term 2!
God Bless,
Angela Scott