Out and About the School

Len Waters Visit

On Wednesday afternoon last week, Len Waters came to visit Years 3 to 6. He talked to us about Kamilaroi astrology and how stars can tell us stories from the past. Len shared with us many secrets the sky can tell us. 

First we learnt that when the season changes, this is seen in seasonal and weather changes on the earth.

The Southern Cross and Pointers reflect the Sacred Emu. The Sacred Emu is high in the sky in summer, when it is roaming the earth and lower in the sky in winter for nesting time. The Saucepan or Orion's belts position tell us that the summertime stories are on their way out. 


Next we learnt that events seen in the sky could be messages about events on earth.

The Two pointers - show us where the southern cross is so you're never lost. We learnt that the man in the moon was banished from earth to be in the sky. Sometimes he wants to get back at the people on earth, so he changes the shape and colour of the moon. When he thinks he is at his strongest he is full so he tries to control the water. This is reflected in the water tides and how they change.


Then we learnt that astronomical shapes were often understood to have a reflection in the landscape. For example the Boomerang moon. A long time ago it was too dark at night time, so they needed something to bring light. So an elder put his Boomerang into the fire and sent it into the sky.


Len’s story connects to the creation story in Genesis and reminds us to be stewards of God’s creation. We learnt that listening is important because stories are not always written down and that when we listen it helps us to understand the past, present and future. 

Do you have a child for Kinder 2025?

Our enrolment period opens on Thursday 21st March until Friday 3rd May.


Pupil Free Days

Please be aware that there will be two Pupil Free Days at the start of Term 2:

Monday 29th April

Tuesday 30th April

Term 2 will commence on Wednesday 1st May for students.

The canteen is looking for volunteers for Fridays. Even if you can only spare an hour from 12.30pm - 1.30pm, once per month, it would be greatly appreciated.

 Please contact the canteen on 0458 580 932 if you are able to help.