Religion and Parish News

St Patrick’s Breastplate
Christ be with me, Christ within me
Christ behind me, Christ before me
Christ beside me, Christ to win me
Christ to comfort me and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger
Christ in hearts of all that love me
Christ in mouth of friend or stranger.
A Child’s Prayer to St Joseph
St. Joseph,
watch over me
and care for me
just as you cared for
the child Jesus;
and by your help,
may I come to know
your Son,
and so grow
in strength
and wisdom
and the favor of God.
Upcoming Saint Feast Days:
Sunday the 17th of March - St Patrick’s Day
Saint Patrick was born in England, but when he was a teenager, he was captured by Irish pirates who took him to Ireland as a slave. After six years, Saint Patrick escaped and returned to England and his family.
When Saint Patrick became a priest, he traveled back to Ireland as a missionary so that he could teach the people about God. He used examples to explain the mysteries of the faith in simple ways. One day, Saint Patrick compared the Trinity to a shamrock. He said that the shamrock has three leaves, but it is only one plant. In the same way, God is three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—but one God.
God used Saint Patrick’s kidnapping to convert the Irish people. In our lives, God uses the bad times to bring about a good we do not always see. We must be patient and trust Him.
Tuesday the 19th of March - St Joseph’s Day
Saint Joseph was the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster-father of Jesus. He was a very good and patient man. Even though he never speaks in the Bible, Saint Joseph was a man of action. When God told him in a dream that it was okay to marry Mary, and when God told him to go to Egypt to save Jesus from Herod, Saint Joseph listened. He always obeyed God even though he did not always understand.
Through his love and care for Jesus and Mary, Saint Joseph showed his love for God. Because he trusted God, Saint Joseph allowed Him to work in his life. Trusting God can be very hard, especially when we cannot see how our story will end or why God is asking us to do something. We can pray to Saint Joseph to help us trust God just as he did.
Holy Week Reflections
Holy Week Reflections will be held on the following days. Parents are welcome to attend.
Monday 25th March 12.30pm | Tuesday 26th March 12.30pm | Wednesday 27th March 12.30 | Thursday 28th March 12.20pm | Tuesday 2nd April 12.30pm | |
Grade | Year 2 & 5 | Year 1 | Kindergarten | Year 4 & 6
| Year 3 |
Holy Week Event | Palm Sunday Jesus’ Entry to Jerusalem | The Last Supper (Take and Eat) | The Washing of the Feet | Stations of the Cross + Jesus Dying on the Cross | Easter - Jesus has Risen |
Sacrament of Confirmation Important Dates
Rite 2 Reconciliation Thursday 4th April, 5:30pm, at St Joseph’s Church
Retreat Day Friday 5th April, St Xavier’s Primary School
Sacrament of Confirmation Sunday 7th April 9.00am at St Joseph's Church
Easter Ceremonies Timetable - St Joseph’s Church Gunnedah
Holy Thursday: 7:00pm
Good Friday: 3:00pm
Easter Vigil: 7:00pm
Easter Sunday: 8:30 am Gunnedah, 10:30am Mullaley