Important Dates

Calendar Link

Click here to view the St Xavier's Calendar

This calendar link is constantly updated, be sure to check in regularly.  It is also on our website.


Friday 15th March

St Patrick's Day- wear green, gold coin donation









Thursday 21st March

Kinder 2025 Open Morning, 9.30am -11.00am









Friday 22nd March

Oz Tag Gala Day


Sunday 7th April

Sacrament of Confirmation


Wednesday 10th April

Infants Cross Country


Friday 5th April

P&F Catholic Debutante Ball


Friday 12th April

Primary Cross Country 


Friday 12th April

Term 1 ends


Monday 29th April

Pupil Free Day


Tuesday 30th April

Pupil Free Day


Wednesday 1st May

Term 2 Commences for all students