College News 

ANZAC Day 2024

As the dawn broke in Port Albert on ANZAC day, students from our 424SQN Air Force Cadets participated in the early morning service, showing respect and dedication to those who have sacrificed for so many.  


Throughout the day, the cadets and student leaders from across the college went on to attend services in Morwell, Churchill and Yinnar to lay wreaths while reflecting on the gravity and significance of the day.  

Our School Captains, Harry Townsend, Baillie Young and Gabby Bonnici represented our school with great honour and pride, participating actively in the community at Yinnar.

Lest We Forget

Koorie Emerging Leaders in Schools (KELiS)

Last week Kurnai College Koorie students attended the Koorie Emerging Leaders in Schools (KELiS) program. This was the first Koorie ever Emerging Leaders Co-Design Workshop. The program looks for potential student leaders within the school.  The leaders then discuss what they would like to see happen in schools. Some examples were to bring more Aboriginal culture into classes, attend more camps/excursions, any issues that impact on young people in education.  This is an opportunity for Koorie Student voice to be heard.

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides funds for eligible students to attend school camps, excursions, sports and outdoor education programs.  These payments are made directly to the school and are tied to your student. 

Payment amounts for 2024 are:

  • $150 per year for eligible primary school students
  • $250 per year for eligible secondary school students.

2024 applications close on 21 June 2024. Forms can be submitted at your school's office. 


Are you eligible to apply for the Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund? Those who are eligible to apply for CSEF are:

  • families holding a valid means-tested concession card.
  • a student over 16 years who is considered a mature minor and holds a valid concession card (such as a Youth Allowance Health Care Card or Disability Support Pension Card).  

Full information can be found at


Autism Acceptance Month

April was Autism Acceptance Month (AAM) and a great opportunity to celebrate our students with autism, learn more about how we can support and include them, and help foster understanding and acceptance of autism among all students. AAM is an offshoot of the United Nations’ sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day World Autism Awareness Day - EN | United Nations which was on Tuesday 2 April 2024. The day began with a month of global events to celebrate people with autism.


Our school is committed to understanding, including and celebrating our students with autism and values the contribution they and their families make to our school.

To celebrate AAM, we would like to share some resources which support students with autism and their families.


The Department of Education has worked with organisations for people with autism and lead researchers in autism to develop new resources for schools to help us better understand, support and celebrate the strengths of students with autism. I hope you find them useful and insightful. 


AllPlay Learn Inclusive School Communities Families | AllPlay Learn: Monash University’s AllPlay Learn team has developed evidence-based guidance and resources on how to create inclusive school communities where everyone feels welcome and supported. It includes videos on engaging with other parents, using inclusive language Language | AllPlay Learn and student resources Students | AllPlay Learn you can share with your child or children. 


Amaze has produced videos and tip sheets Inclusive education: building parent-to-parent connections within the school community - Amaze for parents on how to include families of children with autism. 


The Art of Learning video. ART OF LEARNING_LONG VERSION on Vimeo


More support for students with autism The department has established the Diverse Learners Hub to help meet the needs of diverse learners, including students with autism. It is key initiative of Disability Inclusion and flagship of the Autism Education Strategy.

The hub provides evidence-based advice, information and resources on best-practice inclusive teaching for students with autism.

Smoking and vaping ban

All parents, carers and students are reminded of the legislation that within Victoria, a person must not smoke cigarettes, including e-cigarettes/vapes (regardless of whether they contain nicotine) within school premises and within 4 metres of any pedestrian access to school premises. Smoking in these places is a fineable offence. The smoking and vaping ban applies to:

  • anyone present on school premises during and outside of school hours including students, teachers, contractors, parents or carers or the wider community, such as sporting groups
  • all activities that take place on school premises including pre-schools, kindergartens, outside school hours care, cultural, sporting or recreational activities and school fetes. Parents, carers, schools, and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects of smoking and vaping.

Research from the Royal Children’s Hospital shows many parents and carers are not aware of the harmful effects or how their views about smoking and vaping can impact the likelihood of a young person taking up smoking or vaping.

The Department of Education has developed resources to help you learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping. The resources include advice about how to talk to children and young people about vaping, and where to get support. To access the resources, go to

You can also view this video on smoking and vaping from experts at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne for health advice and tips for starting a conversation with young people.