Year 11 and 12 News 

Complete Works Theatre Company Incursion

Our Year 12 VCE English and EAL students were treated to a drama production by Complete Works Theatre Company on Tuesday 23rd April.  The production unpacked the framework of Protest which the students are required to write about for their Creating Texts Unit. Four texts were explored including Emmeline Pankhurst’s famous speech ‘Freedom or Death’ and ‘Monologue from City of Gold’ by Meyne Wyatt. The production also stepped students through possible writing strategies and inspiration for starting points for their assessment pieces of writing. Students found the production enjoyable, entertaining, and informing. 

Farm World Excursion

All VCE VM students attended Farm World at Lardner Park in March. Students completed a Future Careers activity where they were required to research and ask about industries which are expected to experience growth in the future. Growth industries which were explored included robotics, renewable energy and a range of others. 

As usual, the entertainment, music, food and local produce were a draw card. Many staff and students took the opportunity to make use of the health promotion tents, including heart, hearing and skin checks. Other highlights included tractor rides around Lardner Park, Freestyle Kings motorbikes as well as Happy the calf.

Year 11 VCE and Careers Expo

On Friday, May 3rd, the Year 11 VCE students attended the Careers Exhibition in Melbourne. Exhibitors from Universities, TAFE, Training Organisations, and Colleges provided information and advice about VCE, career, employment, apprenticeship, and GAP year journeys. The Year 11 students were also able to attend seminars, which covered "need-to-know" information about the ATAR, subject selection, exam preparation for VCE Units 3 & 4, study, tertiary course, career, employment, and gap year options. 

Students enjoyed the opportunity to interact with the exhibits, especially the ADF, Paramedics and Highway patrol car. Many of the students found answers to their questions and will be following up with the Careers Team regarding future pathways.