Message from our

Campus Principal

Matt Jobling
Matt Jobling

Parent Teacher Conversations

Parent Student Teacher Conversations 

Thank you to all the parents/carers who were able to attend the Parent Student Teacher conversations at the end of last term. We value the opportunity to discuss student progress and build the relationship with home to ensure each student has the best support possible from us all working together. If anyone was not able to attend and would still like to contact a teacher, please feel free to contact the campus general office or email the teacher through Compass. 


I was privileged to attend the Yinnar ANZAC day ceremony with our School Captains last week where Harry and Brayden marched and laid a wreath on behalf of the College, whilst Gabby led our 424SQN Air Force Cadets and also laid a wreath on behalf of the squadron. The ceremony was led by retired Captain Luke Townsend (incidentally, uncle of Harry), and it was fascinating to learn from his presentation that one of the trees next to the Cenotaph at Yinnar is a direct descendant of the Lone Pine from Gallipoli. On speaking to others in attendance it became apparent this was news to many and illustrated that learning happens throughout our life and not just at school. The remarkable story of connection that resulted in the planting of the seedling highlighted the role people play throughout time to ensure future generations can appreciate the sacrifices made by others in the conflict of war. The Turkish Pine can be seen in the background of the photo of our school captains laying a wreath at the Cenotaph later in this newsletter.

Preparing for the future

An important aspect to studying at the senior campus is to explore opportunities and pathways options to prepare for the next step beyond school. Each of these opportunities was positively received by students who attended. We have had the VCE VM cohort at Farm World completing a Future Careers activity at Lardner Park, a group of selected students attended the Youth Jobs Connect event in Morwell, and the Year 11 VCE students travelled to the VCE and Careers Exhibition in Melbourne. As can be seen in the Calendar of Events we have a wide range of opportunities coming up that will continue to inform and assist students with their pathway planning. 

Attitudes to School Survey

The annual Attitudes to School Survey will be commencing soon and you will receive a letter through compass with detailed information. This survey is valuable feedback to us as a campus and college and is used for planning and identifying areas for improvement. Individual student responses are not identified and only group and overall data is provided to the school. Participation in the survey is voluntary and if parents/carers do not wish their child to participate they need to notify the school as per the instructions in the letter.