Principal's Report

By Michael Mottershead 

Principal Report



So many students have signed up online for the chance to SLIME Mr Peel- I hope he is ready! To be in the running to be the person to slime Mr Peel they just need to create a profile at and raise a minimum of $20.


The Colour Explosion School Fun Run will be on Friday 22nd March from 4pm to 5pm and there will be BBQ food available afterwards (Halal and Vegetarian options available).

•           Please make sure students wear a BLACK shirt and closed in shoes. 

•           Students will be covered in non-toxic, biodegradable colour powder from head to toe. 

•           Colour Powder is made of high-quality corn starch and permitted food colours. Safety data sheet is available upon request.


Fundraising for our Colour Explosion School Fun Run is entirely online. At the end of our fundraiser students can order prizes based on their donations received. 

We look forward to seeing you all at our Colour Explosion Fun Run!



                       Wednesday 27th March- Last Day Term 1- 2.30pm finish

    Thursday 28th March- Student Free Curriculum Day (no students at school)


Camp Australia Before and After school Care will be operating from 2.30pm on

                              27th March, and all day on Thursday 28th March.


                 Camp Australia Holiday Care can be booked via their contacts: 



We have been extremely pleased with the high level of participation and engagement in NAPLAN English and Maths assessments for our Year 3 and 5 students over the past week. Strong attendance, student confidence and a positive approach to the assessment was evident throughout the testing period. Results will not be available for several weeks, when we will share the positive results from our students efforts.



We have a policy at ARPS regarding any animals or pets coming onto the school grounds, to ensure the sense of safety and comfort of all our students. Many students, particularly some students with special needs, are scared of even the smallest and most friendly dogs. Parents/Carers are asked to ensure they have requested permission from myself BEFORE entering the school grounds with a dog or other pet. The policy in full is available on the school website: 


School Council- Annual Report to the School Community

Our Annual Reporting Meeting was held on Wednesday 20th March, with members of our 2024 School Council team. During the meeting, the School Council members reviewed data and actions from 2023, including some very positive NAPLAN Writing and Numeracy Data for our Year 5 students from last year. Data and reviews from 2023 assist in the development of our 2024 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) which is also available on our school Website. A copy of the Annual Report for 2023 will be available on the website in coming days, following the endorsement from our 2024 School Council president, Katrina Summersett.

Easter Raffle and Hat parade/ Last Day of Term- Wednesday 27th March

Our Easter Hat parade for 2024 will be held just after 9.00am on Wednesday 27th March (outdoors, weather permitting). Students in the junior classes, including Foundation students with their Year 6 Buddies, have been busily constructing amazing hats for the parade which I know they are eager to ‘show off’ to parents and carers. On Wednesday afternoon we will have an early Assembly at 1.45pm. During the Assembly our Easter Raffle will be drawn, and various other awards will be presented. Many thanks to families who have provided chocolate donations for our Easter Raffle- our students love the anticipation of this annual event and seeing all the wonderful prizes on offer. We encourage families to come along to the final assembly for the Term. 

Students will be dismissed at 2.30pm on Wednesday 27th March (Afterschool Care with Camp Australia will be available from 2.30pm until the normal finish time of 6.15pm).

Camp Australia will also be providing onsite care for our curriculum day on Thursday 28th March- bookings can be made online: 



We are very fortunate in our school to provide students with opportunity to have a personalised music tuition program available for students who are keen musicians. The program is open to students across all Year levels, includes individual or group lessons, and is conducted during the school day. This program is in addition to the weekly Specialist Performing Arts program that all students take part in, with Mr Redfearn.


Parents who would like to have their child take part in the Junior Rockers program, can use the QR code below, or follow these contact details:

Facilities News and Updates:


New toilets- UPDATE

Expected finish date for all toilets is still end of term 1. 

A meeting was held on Monday (18th) to confirm any defects that still need completing, and to outline the timeline for the toilets in Building A and the Hall foyer to be completed. The builders are hoping to have the compounds removed this week, and the toilets in Building A (near Year 3/4 classes) completed before the end of Term 1.


New Entry ramp: 

This is now almost complete and accessible, with just a few gardening finishes to be completed. We are thrilled to have a beautiful and functional entry ramp for all our families to use, especially those with prams!. All Compounds and fencing should be removed this weekend.


PMP- Planned Maintenance Project:

The school has been granted significant funds to have restoration works completed on roofing, windows, facia board and a new roof for the covered walkway from the Admin building to Year 6 rooms. The building team is planning to have a new Compound on the school grounds and entry points for deliveries of materials, etc. The works will only take a few weeks and we hope they may be completed by early next Term.


Judy Drew
