Year 11/12

Ms Mears, Mr Struth and Ms MacDonald


Year 11 Super Stars

Huge congratulations to Tyler and Aidan for being our first term 2 Year 11 Super Stars!!⭐Aidan achieved our top GPA result from our most recent progress reports and Tyler has shown the most growth. Keep up the outstanding work year 11!!🎉We're looking forward to seeing the next Year 11 Super Stars after next weeks progress reports 🙂


Careers Expo

The VCE careers expo took place on Friday the 3rd of May. Students met in the city at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre for the day. The expo provided them with an opportunity to get hands on in some of the offerings available to them. The students came away with lots of informative brochures, and goodies from the stalls. A great day was had by all and the students behaviour representing the school was excellent.


Mid-Term Exams

Senior School mid-term exams will be occurring from Monday June 3rd through to Friday June the 7th. More information and a timetable will be communicated closer to the date.


Year 12 Newsletter

It has been a great start to Term Two. Students have been busy completing coursework, SAC’s and preparing for the upcoming exams. The Year 12 team would like to congratulate all the students for their dedication and resilience they have shown. Well done and keep up the great effort!


Top Design

Our recent visit to the Top Design Awards exhibition at the museum was nothing short of inspiring. The showcase featured the best projects in VIC from last year's students, ranging from mechatronics to fashion design.

Watching our students immerse themselves in the exhibits was a joy. Their excitement and curiosity were evident as they explored the diverse array of creative works on display.

The exhibition provided a valuable learning experience, giving our students insight into the creative process behind each project. It was a reminder of the importance of nurturing artistic awareness and encouraging exploration.

A big thank you to the museum and the organizers of the Top Design Awards for this enriching opportunity. Our students left feeling inspired and motivated to unleash their own creativity.

Harrison Jull

Systems Engineering and Physics Educator

Design and Digital Technologies



Our goal this year is to reduce the number of unapproved student absences. Unapproved absences are for days when absence is avoidable, including taking days off for birthdays, long weekends or to visit friends or relatives. We also do not recommend taking long holidays throughout the term, especially in your son or daughter’s final year of schooling. If you do have a planned holiday, please contact the relevant Year Level Leaders as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.


When calling the absence line to advise the school of student absences, please stipulate a reason for your child’s absence.


Upcoming events

Monday 27th of May our Year 12 VCE VM students will be hosting their stalls for Harmony Day. The students have been working very hard on this major assessment and we look forward to having fun with them on this day.

Monday 3rd June – Friday 7th June our Year 12 VCE General students will be completing their mid-year exams. We wish them all the very best!

Tuesday 11th June is our annual Year 12 Wellbeing Day. Students will be participating in a quest around Melbourne CBD. Consent and payment is due by June 4th.Please make sure this is completed as it a fun day out to celebrate the end of Unit 3.

Thursday 14th June is our Whole School Athletics Day. This will be the last whole school event for our Year 12 students, we can’t wait to see the house colour dress ups and join in the fun with them on this day.

Tuesday 18th June is the GAT (General Achievement Test). All Year 12 students, both General and VM, are to complete this. Stay tune for more information to come explaining what the GAT is about.



Just a reminder, full school winter uniform is to be worn throughout Term 2 and 3. Please ensure your child has the correct school shoes (black polishable shoes) as well as the correct pants, shirt, and tie. Students should not be wearing acrylic nails, and a necklace and bracelet can be work for religious reasons. 

Your support and understanding on this matter are much appreciated.



The Year 12 team

Catherine Mears (Year 12 VCE VM and VPC Leader), Kellie Friso (Year 12 Assistant VCE VM and VPC Leader), Mathew Donnelly (Year 12 Assistant VCE Leader)