Year 9/10

Ms Hayes and Ms Hassan

Magic Moments Scholarship

In Year 9, seven of our students were alerted to a scholarship opportunity offered by Bendigo Bank and created their own applications for consideration, answering questions about why they wish to be leaders and attend a leadership summit. We are extremely proud to announce that three of our students were selected out of five Victorian spots for the Magic Moments Scholarship. Our amazing students are Keerat Dhody, Charlotte Balzary, and Harrison Schack. We look forward to hearing about their experience at the summit. Congratulations to all the applicants and recipients.


City Experience Excursion

As part of their P2S curriculum, the Year 9 students ventured into the city to watch the documentary ‘Shackleton’ at IMAX Theatre and tour the Melbourne Museum, exploring the Dinosaur exhibition and the Milarri Garden Trail. Along the way, students who had never caught the train to the city before had the opportunity to learn train procedures and etiquette, including how to purchase and top up Myki cards, seat themselves of the train, exit the station safely, and navigate city streets on the way to the museum. Students were then given the opportunity to explore Melbourne Central during their lunch hour, which they were extremely excited to do, before hopping back on the train and making our way home to Cranbourne.



Immigration Museum Excursion

What an exciting time, heading to the city to explore the Immigration Museum! Currently, in Humanities, the Year 9 cohort are looking at the events leading up to and surrounding the World Wars, and with it the impact of Immigration across the globe. In form groups, the Year 9 students and staff were lucky to explore the Immigration Museum, watching short historical documentaries, touring amongst the artefacts cared for by the museum, and travelling along Sandridge Bridge. Throughout the day, students completed worksheets that contributed to their learning at school.



Outdoor Ed Camp

 The students have had a variety of wonderful camps and excursions over the last few weeks, including the Philip Island camp and rock-climbing. All of the students have had the opportunity to put classroom learning into practice, as well as strengthen their agility and life skills. The students always return from camp full of praise for all the activities planned for them and excitement for future excursions. 


Upcoming Key dates:

Key Dates

Monday 27th– Friday 31st May Harmony Week
Monday 10th JuneKing’s Birthday

Thursday 13th June 

Monday 17th June

Athletics Day 

Production Whole Day Rehearsal

Tuesday 18th June Student Free Day 




Year 10's

Term 2 is always a busy term; we are in the process of making sure that each Year 10 student has a Careers meeting in preparation for Course Counselling where students will choose their pathway into Senior school at the start of Term 3. It is pleasing to see that our students understand the importance of Year 10 and doing their best so they have as many options as possible when choosing their future pathway. 

This term some form groups have participated in SECASA workshops around respectful relationships, and Outdoor Education classes have had the opportunity to complete their City Orienteering excursion where we received positive comments regarding behaviour and participation. 

In Week 3, all the student leaders went to Amstel Golf Course for a Leadership day where they participated in a range of activities to build their leadership capacity such as public speaking and developing ideas to improve the school which they then presented visually and through presentations. The students also built connections with students from other Year Levels which will inform work going forward to improve our school in core areas.

Nearly all students continue to be in full school uniform, working with their teachers and behaving in a mature and polite manner. Just a reminder that Puffer jackets and hoodies are not allowed at school and if a student requires a school jacket we can provide one if requested. 

Attendance remains a focus and we will continue to work with students and families to improve attendance across the cohort. It is extremely pleasing to see the continued improvement in attendance across the cohort – in March and April Year 10 attendance remained high, in fact Year 10 students have had the best attendance across all year levels! An outstanding effort! 

This week students in Industry and Enterprise classes have just completed their work experience. Most students gained a placement and we hope they had a productive and worthwhile experience. As leaders we are extremely proud of the cohort’s efforts so far this term and are looking forward to further positive outcomes as the year progresses. 

Next up there are the mid-year exams. The first exam is Friday 7/6 at the end of Week 7 and they continue over the following week in Week 8. We know the students will approach these exams seriously and do their best.    

Year 10

Teresa Hayes -Year 10 Leader 

Laura Sculley – Year 10 Assistant Leader

Paul Erler - Year 10 Assistant Leader