Year 7/8

Ms Fisher, Ms Wilkinson, Mr Johnson, Mr Lyons, Mr Gould

Year 7 


Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation


During Week 4 the Year 7 Cohort were fortunate enough to have speakers from Ecstra Foundation talk with our students about the importance of Spending and Saving Money. Students were supported to manage influences on saving, spending and payment options and how to align spending choices with their goals, values, and beliefs.

We hope our students took away valuable lessons.


Eric Agyeman

Term 2 provide our cohort with the chance to hear from Eric Agyeman. A victim of racial bullying in primary school, Eric had first-hand experience of being bullied. Being the only African in his school, he experienced constant teasing, isolation and fear which led to him missing many days of school. The bullying led to anger and other emotions he didn’t know how to identify or navigate at the time. This would lead to 4 suspensions by Year 8.

From being a gang member in High School and labelled ‘at risk’, two decades later Eric was awarded the African Australian Community Impact award in 2014 for his work both locally and in Africa.

An author of 3 best-selling books, Eric is passionate about young people and their future. His resilience in overcoming mental health challenges, suicidal thoughts and teen gangs position him as a great example to young people, that no matter your background, mistakes, and challenges, you can still get back up and make your life count!

As a College we were extremely fortunate to have Eric spend time with our Year 7’s and we hope they have learnt from his messages.




Pat Cronin Guest Speaker

A guest speaker from the Pat Cronin Foundation recently visited our Year 8 students to deliver an empowering presentation. The presentation was about social violence and how one punch to the head can end someone’s life. The foundation challenged our students around violence prevention and being the bigger person by removing yourself from situations that may be dangerous. By sharing Pat's story and equipping our students with valuable strategies, the foundation inspired them to become proactive agents of change in creating safer and more compassionate communities. We are grateful for the foundation's impactful contribution to our students' personal development and look forward to continuing our partnership.


Eric Agyeman Guest Speaker

On Tuesday 21st of May, Eric Agyeman will be speaking to our Year 8 students. Eric Agyeman went from being racially bullied on his first day in primary school, to joining a gang in high school, to winning the African Australian Community award in his 20’s. Eric will be sharing his powerful journey of personal transformation with our Year 8 students and promoting the benefits of respect and resilience. 


Money Talk Workshop

During Week 8, the Esctra Foundation are running financial literacy workshops for our Year 8 students. This workshop focusses on how present decisions can affect future finances, savings, investments and debts.