From the Principal 

Christian Woodcock (Acting Principal)

Mr Christian Woodcock
Mr Christian Woodcock

Thank you to the staff, students, and families of Cranbourne East Secondary College for making my first few weeks welcoming. I have enjoyed meeting a number of people across the college and developing a more detailed understanding of the great work that is being done.


Students and staff have settled into their weekly routines for term 2 and the school is moving productively forward. As with all schools across the state there are a few vacancies that we are working hard to fill and have been proactively placing regular casual relief teachers in classrooms when required.


On Thursday 16 May we celebrated Education Support Personnel Day. On this day we honour and recognise the extraordinary contribution education support staff make to public education and our CESC community.

From admin staff, technology assistants, student support, allied health, facilities management, and everything in between, ES staff keep our workplace functioning effectively and make sure that we provide the best learning environments for students.


We shared coffee and cupcakes (pictured) with our amazing staff as a small token to thank our amazing ES team for their commitment, support, hard work, and collegiality. We value and appreciate their contributions to our school and community.


Our very own Mr Jeff Stanley's dedication to secondary education, spanning over 40 years, has been acknowledged by our local Member of Parliament, Pauline Richards. Jeff is modest, but his contributions are too significant to go unrecognised. On behalf of the CESC community, we congratulate Mr Stanley and thank him for his immense and ongoing service to CESC and public education.

Mr Jeff Stanley
Mr Jeff Stanley