Principal News

Introducing David Foley and Tandy Johnson

Welcome back to school for term two. This is an exciting term for the school as we have our 100th Anniversary celebration on Thursday 23 May.  In terms of spreading the word, we ask you to do the same and invite ex-parents, students and teachers to join us for the morning celebrations.  We have been using social media to share the news as well. More details to come.  We have other special events as well including the Year 5 Camp to Forest Edge Adventure Resort at the start of May. Education Week is held in May and parents invited to come into tour class rooms. School Athletics and Cross Country running events start mid term. The Life Education programs runs over a two week timetable in May


Students arriving at school prior to 8.45am. 

Teachers are not on duty until 8.45am. When they arrive they go to their rooms to prepare their class program. If a child is dropped off or walks into the school grounds prior to 8.45 am there is no supervision. To ensure all students are safe those early arrival students will be sent to the OSHC service and parents will be invoiced a Before School fee for the supervision. 


What we are discovering at the moment is that children are dropped at school early and often hide in corners of the yard so that they are not seen by teachers passing by and this is not acceptable either.  Parents have a responsibility here and that is to abide by the regulations we have in place about attendance.  The school provides a great OSHC service for parents who have commitments of work etc outside of school hours, but parents have to pay for that service.  From a school perspective we cannot allow an unsafe practice to take place and ‘look away’ because accidents may occur especially on playground equipment.  The teachers have a duty of care to send the children to Before School Care.  Parents will be sent an invoice to pay when your child is sent to BSC after being found in the grounds at unsupervised times (as indicated above). 


Wattletree Road Crossing reminder: Parents please remind children that when they stand at the crossing preparing to cross the road, they need to pay attention to instructions from the Crossing Supervisor.  This means we listen to his instructions and follow his directions.  An incident did occur earlier this week and fortunately everyone was safe, but we need to be vigilant and be focused on safety for all pedestrians.


ANZAC DAY and Curriculum Day No 3 are coming up on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th April. Students do not attend school.