Year 5 Specialist News - Term 2

Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Cultural perspectives through art and nature's elemental forces, fire, earth, water, and air
Lines Of Inquiry:
- Cultural perspectives and artistic expressions of the natural elements
- Diverse techniques and mediums in art to represent the elements and natural disasters
- How artists use natural disasters as inspiration, and how this can inspire our own artwork
Key Concepts:
connection and change
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective and responsibility
Students Will Create:
- A water design, inspired by Japanese artist Hokusai, for printmaking.
- Fire paintings / drawing exploring the work of Australian artist Jan Senbergs.
- Clay sculptures, exploring the design and modelling of a hanging planter, inspired by the artist David Hicks, representing the element air.
- A design and stitch detailed pattern of a chosen natural disaster to a cushion.
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Changes to the Earth’s surface and natural environment can impact communities
Lines Of Inquiry:
- Extreme weather conditions
- Impact on lives of Japanese people
- The way Japanese society prepares for the natural disasters
Key Concepts:
causation, form
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective, inquirer, communicators, caring
Cultural Activity:
Children’s Day in May
Students Will:
- Learn what kind of natural disasters Japan experiences
- Learn how Japanese people do evacuation drills and prepare for big earthquakes
- Spell the names of Japanese volcanoes in Hiragana and Kanji characters
- Develop sentences in Japanese, e.g. “Natural disasters are scary and we prepare for them.”
- Create two sentences in Japanese with a conjunction word; そして (SOSHITAY).
- Create a mini book of the Japanese natural disasters
- Write a sympathy message in Japanese to children in Kanazawa (Japan) who experienced a big earthquake in January this year
- Learn about KODOMO NO HI (Children’s Day) - why, when and how Japanese people celebrate the festival
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we express ourselves
Central Idea:
An individual’s actions and perceptions can be influenced by music
Lines Of Inquiry:
- Being an informed and critical consumer of music and drama
- The way music and drama influence our lives
Key Concepts:
responsibility, perspective
Learner Profile Attributes:
communicator, risk taker, thinker
Students Will:
- Explore drama games and drama exercises targeting specific skills
- Explore characterisations and dialogues
- Tackle short scenes from a selected performance piece
- Rehearse in small groups and then perform to their classmates
Physical Education
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we express ourselves
Central Idea:
An individual's actions and perceptions can be determined through movement.
Lines Of Inquiry:
- The way our actions help develop movement sequences or skills as a form of creative expression
- The way movement in gymnastics or skill movement in invasion games help us create a perception of ourselves
- The way we express ourselves through different forms of movement
Key Concepts:
Perspective- we all have unique qualities that are expressed through movement that shape how we communicate and connect with our peers.
Responsibility- our own actions can enhance our movement skills or create a barrier to our movement flow.
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective and caring
Students Will:
- Refine the basic and complex motor skills of passing, kicking, throwing and catching in game situations to develop their own style of play. The sports we are focusing on are AFL and Rugby.
- Enhance their fitness for cross country by challenging themselves to race at their own ability.
- Create movement sequences in gymnastics to enhance strength, flexibility, creativity and learn rotational movements with landings.
- Express their learning through sequences of movements both individually and with peers.