Wordslayers (English)

English Faculty

The end of Term 1

With the end of Term 1 approaching it is worth looking back on what has been achieved in English. Students across years 7-12 approached with gusto their studies and it has been pleasing to see students ready to learn with their planners, English books, and pens. These three things are vital to ensuring confident and successful young people. At time of publication, most classes are engaged with their assessment tasks. These assessments allow students to demonstrate their content knowledge, as well as their language skills. Parents and carers are encouraged to talk with your children about these assessments as a means of further consolidating their knowledge and supporting their learning.  


Students in Years 7 and 9 underwent NAPLAN testing, their results will supplement school reporting and assessment to further support your child’s learning and provide useful information on your child’s strengths and weaknesses in literacy and numeracy.  


12 Studies– On the Road and Around the World

Year 12 English Studies have been studying Module C: On the Road, learning about language and travel. This exciting unit sees students develop the skills to use language related to travel. An important unit for our Year 12s as soon they may wish to travel far and wide! Students have made a travel itinerary and brochure, where they researched many exciting travel destinations and have become familiar with the intricacies of international travel.  

Year 10 –  Conflict

Year 10 have been studying conflict as a concept, in order to better understand how conflict can be overcome. Students have enjoyed studying a variety of texts, including the film ‘Remember the Titans’. It was pleasing to see students so engaged in their learning and have produced a multi-modal presentation on conflict as a force for positive growth in the film.  

Year 9 – Survival

Students have written creative compositions inspired by stories related to survival. Their assessment required them to reflect on their stylistic choices, developing not only awareness of language devices but also developing empathy for the experiences of others.  


9L1 – Real Survivor Research Task

9L1 had to research a real-life survivor and create a multimodal magazine article unpacking the survival experience in an engaging way. Below you will see some of the impressive and beautifully presented work from the class.





Year 11 Advanced English

After studying Tim Winton’s short story ‘Damaged Goods’ students wrote a Vignette to develop the character of Strawberry Alison, a young girl with a large crimson birth mark on her face. In the vignette below, the reader learns about Strawberry Alison’s prowess on the netball court.


Adrenaline clawed at me; its sharp clutch squeezed me tightly like a vice. The crowd sat on the edge of their seats, like children waiting for their next hit of sugar. Their anticipation hung thick like a cloud and their pity was replaced by eagerness and excitement. It was a welcoming change. I no longer had to feel the weight of their pity or bear their condescending gaze. Instead, the only thing that existed was awe mingled with fear. On the court, nobody pitted and patronised me because there was nothing for them to feel sorry for. I was in control. I was on fire. My determination burned like an unquenchable flame, fuelling my every move. My face blushed crimson red, matching the colour of my birthmark. For a moment I hesitated, but the heat of the spotlight sharpened my senses and heightened my focus. Despite the crowd’s scrutiny, I keep my cool because I’ve always approached every game with deadly accuracy, like an arrow that never misses its mark.



For all years - Assessment Task due dates:

Year 7 -  Week 10, in class

Year 8 – Week 11, in class

Year 9 – Week 10, in class

Year 10 – Week 11, online submission via Canvas

Year 11 – Week 11, online submission via Canvas

Year 12 – Week 11, online submission via Canvas


Students, parents, and carers can refer to their child’s assessment notification, Canvas, or the school website for a copy of the task and the precise due date.  


Over the upcoming holiday break, take time to read and discuss together; this quality time spent together will prove enjoyable and enable your child to further develop language skills and expand their imagination.