Learning Success

Secondary Studies Faculty - Learning and Support

What a mammoth term it has been so far!


Congratulations to Years 7 and 9 for completing their NAPLAN assessments over the past 2 weeks in the areas of Reading, Writing, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. 


Congratulations also to Year 10 for completing their Minimum Standards testing in both Literacy and Numeracy.  

Assessment Tasks are well underway across all faculties. Teacher Assisted Study Centre (TASC) has been running weekly, with large numbers of students attending for assessment help. Teachers across all faculties have been in attendance to support our students in completing take-home assessments, and study for upcoming in-class tasks.  


Learning and Support Staff are available before school and during break times in the library for any students who are unable to make it to TASC on a Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday 2nd April (Week 10) will be the last TASC of the term.