Student Leadership

Student and Sports Leadership Team

Lending a Hand

The student leadership team has been busy finalising their calendar for 2024 and planning for a range of events, fundraisers and awareness days, such as Harmony Day, ANZAC Day and The World's Greatest Shave.  On Thursday the 21st of March, a select group of leaders attended a youth leadership conference in Sydney, where they were able to network with other young leaders, listen to keynote speakers, and engage in a range of activities that aimed to enhance their leadership skills.  Additionally, Peer Support groups have commenced for Year 7, with the first few sessions focusing on building positive friendships.     



Next term Camden High School will be participating in World's Greatest Shave. We are aiming to raise money to support people living with blood cancer.  If you are able to please donate at the link below:  


Mr Berrell will be shaving his beard & Ms Kedward will be shaving her head if we reach $10,000.

If each person in our Camden High community donates at least $10 we can easily reach this goal! Dig deep & donate below or pay at the front office... any amount is greatly appreciated!