P&C News
On Tuesday night 26th March our second P&C meeting was held for the year. This one was where the AGM was held (as we didn’t have enough for a Quorum at the first meeting).
The 2024 P&C Committee consists of:
Position | P&C Representative |
President | Naomi Bates |
Vice President | Yvonne Grigg |
Treasurer | Renee Jenkins |
Secretary | Nicholas Vines |
Firstly, I would like to thank the whole office bearers for the 2023 year for the exceptional work that happened. Not only was it attendance at meetings, but also organising and helping out at fundraising events and taking opportunities that came our way.
A special thanks needs to go to Mia, the outgoing President, for all her hard work over the last few years. She has kept the P&C running and has worked hard to attract new members.
The P&C is not just about fundraising – although any efforts for this go directly back into the school for “extras”. We are a group consisting of parents (& citizens) in the school community, whose purpose is to assist the school and promote the interests of the entire school community.
We work in close partnership with the school to achieve the best possible outcomes for students and other stakeholders in the school community. We typically consult with the parent community, students, and school staff to identify the main needs of the school, and plan accordingly how best to meet those needs.
Every now and then we supply a parent representative on merit selection panels for vacant jobs at the school, or sitting on tender panels to select a provider or business to operate on school grounds. This is an extra set of eyes to demonstrate fairness in the process.
It would be great if we could involve more parents with attendance at meetings so that everyone can work in partnership with the school and gain valuable insight into the workings within the school.
Meeting times and dates:
The P&C meet weeks 4 and 9 each term in the Library at 6.30pm.
Dates for upcoming meetings are as follows:
Term 2:
Tuesday 21st May 2024 – 6:30pm
Tuesday 25th June 2024 – 6:30pm
Term 3:
Tuesday 13th August 2024 – 6:30pm
Tuesday 17th September 2024 – 6:30pm
Term 4:
Tuesday 5th November 2024 – 6:30pm
Tuesday 10th December 2024 – 6:30pm
Have a great break coming up in two weeks, and hope to see many new faces next term.
Naomi Bates
P&C President