Science and Agriculture

Exploring Newton's Law


Year 10 students recently stepped into the world of physics by conducting an experiment to explore Newton's Third Law of Motion. Through careful planning and execution, they observed the principle that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By utilizing various setups involving forces and objects of different masses, the students gained hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of this fundamental law of physics. This experiment not only enhanced their scientific knowledge but also fostered critical thinking and problem-solving skills.



Learning about the Cell

This term Year 11 Biology students have been busy learning about cells and in particularly the Fluid-Mosaic Model of the Cell Membrane.


We are thrilled to highlight the exceptional work of our students in constructing their models. With meticulous attention to detail and a passion for scientific exploration, our budding scientists have brought to life the intricate structure of cell membranes.


Our students have mastered the art of representing the dynamic interactions of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates within the cellular framework. Their models not only demonstrate a deep understanding of membrane structure and function but also showcase their artistic talents and dedication to excellence.


Well Done, Year 11!




We have a busy couple of weeks as it is Show season. Students have been working hard to ensure that we have presented the best produce from our farm as well as being tested on their knowledge and skills with animals.


Our results thus far are as follows:

Camden Show


Produce Section: 1st and 2nd place for our Jap pumpkins














Poultry Section: 3rd place for our eggs


Alpaca arena: There are 2 competitions that the students compete in. Showmanship is where the student is assessed on their knowledge of Alpacas as well as conducting a physical assessment of their animal. Stockmanship is where students are assessed on their ability to handle the animal while guiding it through an obstacle course.


This was the first time for many of the Alpaca team to have handled and worked with an Alpaca which makes the following results even more impressive.

  • Preliminary Intermediate category:
    • Georgia C 1st in Showmanship and Overall Champion
    • Claire A 1st in Stockmanship
    • Olivia C 2nd in Stockmanship
  • Open Senior category:
  • Cooper K 4th in Stockmanship


Sydney Royal Show

The show started with a bang with fantastic results in the Giant Backyard Pumpkin Competition. Students from our Year 10 Ag class have been growing these pumpkins since last year and were rewarded for their efforts.

  • 1st in Secondary School category
  • 1st in between 50kg and 100kg category


















Still to come is our Alpaca team who will be competing on Good Friday in the Showmanship and Stockmanship competitions. We wish them the best of luck and stay tuned for their results.


Congratulations to all students who have assisted in the preparation of our entries as to all those who competed or assisted on the day. You have shown an enthusiasm for agriculture and represented the school with dignity and distinction.


Our senior students are involved in the South Coast Steer Competition where they will be looking after two steers and monitoring their growth and development to meet the standards and specifications of the meat market. They have been working hard in training the boys to walk on a halter as well and learning their nutritional requirements to obtain correct amount of muscle to fat ratio.



Meet Tank and Diesel

The boys and Year 11 Primary Industries students will be heading to Nowra in May. Here the cattle will be assessed for structure and muscle development whilst the students will be presenting their journey with these animals as well as their animal handling skills and judging competitions.












Stay tuned for more information in the next newsletter.