Support Faculty Snapshot

Stage 4


Stage 4 students have been exploring lots of different educational concepts this term. In Creative Arts students have been introduced to music by exploring simple music concepts using drums and have recently begun to play the keyboard. Students have been re-reading their booklet for History at home and have shown a strong understanding of the difference between primary and secondary sources.  

In Science students have been exploring the concepts of matter and have begun to participate in experiments using the Science Labs. All students have been successful in gaining their Bunsen burner licenses.

In Technology Mandatory students have been using the program Microsoft Makecode to create simple arcade games. Students are enjoying exploring all the aspects this coding program has to offer.

Class A have been learning about how to follow and write procedures. Students explored the importance of using clear and concise instructions by writing out their own recipe for making fairy bead then following the recipe to produce their own slice of fairy bread.

Stage 5

Stage 5 have been exploring dynamic Earth in Science, learning about tectonic plates and their relationship to seismic events and volcanic activity.  We created a seismic wave recently, which helped us to understand the behaviour of these waves in the event of an earthquake.  We have also explored, though investigations, how different materials form different kinds of volcano cone shapes.


Students have been learning about volcanic reactions and how they can impact different landforms. Students have created their own class model of a volcano and are looking forward to experimenting with chemical reactions to create a modelled explosion in the future.  


In PDHPE Stage 5 have been learning about nutritional labels on food stuffs, working out how to locate hidden ingredients and identify the nutritional value of certain foods.

All Stage 5 English classes have been learning about Survival, exploring stories such as Ahn Do’s amazing journey from Vietnam to Australia in the 70s and Malala Yousafzai’s heroic story about fighting for social justice and overcoming adversity.  


In Mathematics Stage 5 are working on Algebra. Although sometimes challenged, they have been very engaged and trying their best. Similar figures is a more practical topic and Stage 5 appear to be enjoying identifying sides and angles.

Stage 6

Stage 6 have been exploring different workplaces in Work Studies and are currently seeking out interesting locations for where they can complete some work experience.  


In Technology students have been exploring the coding world working hard to implement simple code to create arcade style games using the program Microsoft Makecode. They have also used a variety of multimedia to create a portfolio to showcase who they are as a person.  


Stage 6 Numeracy started the year with Investigating Numbers and their uses in the real world. They have researched applications to real situations in their own lives, such as population expansion around the world and in specific places of interest. We have observed stadium capacity during current famous stars recent world tours. More recently, we are working on Graphs and Displays.


Stage 6 have been completing their Athletics module in SLR. They are exploring various track and field events in both practical and theory lessons. They have particularly enjoyed sprints, high jump and javelin.

Break Time Activities

Special groups are now available to interested students, we have:    

  • Mindfulness Mondays with Mrs Sammut at break 1
  • Gardening Club on Wednesdays with Mrs Heath at break 1  
  • Art Club on Fridays with Ms Scarini at break 2
  • Music room is open for Support with Mr Byrne on Wednesday at break 2
  • Fitness lab is open for Support with Mr Byrne on Friday at break 2

During the Wednesday Garden club students have enjoyed surveying the garden and making plans on ways they can improve the garden each week. Watch this space for further updates in the future.


Some eager artists created some marbling and small sculptures during Art Club last Friday.  


We have recently received our order for some sit and stand desks for our classrooms. Students have been eagerly assisting in building the desks while developing patience and teamwork skills.  


Naplan has been taking place over the past two weeks, with many students taking part. Students in the support faculty have successfully learnt have to behave under exam conditions while accessing testing content online.