Personal Development, Health & Physical Education

The term that is.... 

In Year 10 PASS this term Miss Hartas, has implemented a competition that will allow the class to express themselves in a multitude of sporting events. While in Year 9 PASS students have been testing themselves in a range of fitness tests. They are now in the process of creating and implementing their own fitness programs, to increase physical capacity in a range of fitness components. 


Year 7 have been working in small groups on their DANCE task. It has been great to the students working collaboratively to produce something so creative. Year 7 should be proud of what they have produced.  


Year 8 and Year10 have been refining their fitness levels and skill implementation of different athletic components. This included shot put, javelin, discus and different running activities.  


For all years - Assessment Task due dates:

  • Year 7 - Week 11, online Submission on CANVAS
  • Year 8 - Week 9, online Submission on CANVAS  
  • Year 9 - Week 9, online Submission on CANVAS  
  • Year 9 PASS - Week 10, Online Submission on CANVAS
  • Year 10 - Week 9, online submission via Canvas
  • Year 10 PASS - Week 9, Test in class
  • Year 11 PDHPE - Week 10, online submission via Canvas
  • Year 11 SLR - Week 11, online Submission on CANVAS
  • Year 11 Work Studies - Week 1 T2, online Submission on CANVAS
  • Year 12 PDHPE - Week 8, online submission via Canvas
  • Year 12 SLR- Athletics - In progress in class
  • Year 12 Work Studies - Completed