House Athletics Yr 3-6

The House Athletics Carnival will be held on Monday 25th March at Dixon Field, Gisborne. Students can wear their house colours on the day. They will be participating in running, jumping and throwing events.

All students from year levels 3-6 will head to Gisborne on buses at 9.15am sharp and will return to school by 3pm.

Parents are welcome to attend and support their children. We require parent assistance to run the events on the day, if you are able to assist on the day, please indicate on the permission slip attached, or contact David Oxworth or the office.


Students need to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Please also bring fruit, morning snack, lunch and a drink bottle. No valuables e.g. watches, money, jewellery should be taken.


 Parents assisting will require a current Working With Children Check.


The cost is $6.00.  All permission forms and payment must be made via XUNO by Friday 22nd March.