Achievement Awards

The following awards will be handed out at assembly on Friday at 3pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB)


1/2CD - Easton H - for being focussed on classroom tasks.

1/2VW - Scout C - for being a caring and thoughtful class member.

1/2VW - Tyler W -  for his great attitude to learning.

1/2TT - Beau C - for being a motivated leaner and kind to others.

1/2TT - Archie W - for working hard on all his learning.

3/4HC - Maggie S- Being a motivated and hardworking student with a great love of learning. Well done Maggie!

3/4HC - Joe G- Working hard and striving to achieve your best. Fabulous! 

3/4HC Olivia T-Being a responsible, keen student who strives to do her best at all times. Wonderful! 

3/4MS - Eli C - for helping other during our 'Tri-ominos' game playing. Well done!

3/4MS - Aubrey R - for showing great resilience and perserverance working with 2 casts on wrists. Well done!

3/4MS - Isla F-S - for displaying lovely manners at all times. Super helper!

5/6GP - Coopr B - for being a resilient and motivated learner.