
Mrs Robyn Wilson - MaST - Mathematics Specialised Teacher

Our Maths Walls

We refer to our learning walls as the Third Teacher. The first teacher is the PARENT, the second the CLASSROOM TEACHER and the third is the LEARNING ENVIRONMENT we create for our students. The ‘Third Teacher’ is literally that – another helping hand in the classroom. It helps us the teacher to:

  • Be clear on curriculum goals (Learning Intentions) every child knows what they are learning and why.
  • Share success criteria alongside examples/anchor charts/checklists. The students know how they are achieving the learning intention and use the success criteria to check off their learning.
  • Provide ongoing support to students either by directing them to the wall, or being able to support students 1:1 because other students are accessing the Third Teacher. Students can get help from the wall and they can work independently knowing where it go if they are unsure.

Stage1 use their Maths wall really well. Mrs Crane breaks down the learning intentions and writes them in the language the students understand. She has her success criteria checked off as the students achieve the learning. The language is displayed for the students to feel comfortable using it. There are examples of the students work and "What a Good One Looks Like" for the students to use if they are unsure.


Below we can hear Hayley explaining the Stage 1 Maths Wall.