
Science Technology Engineering Arts Maths

We have had a great end to the term with lots of fun learning in STEAM.


In week 7 the Preps continued their Play worlds learning and designed and built vehicles for Tom’s museum. The Grade Ones and Twos sadly missed STEAM in week 7 due to the Labour Day holiday. However, we made up for it when the Preps, Grade Ones and Grade Twos came together for combined STEAM lessons in week 8 (planning week). We got to share the stories we had been focussing on this term, conducted an experiment that looked at tornadoes and participated in a Lego challenge where we built dinosaurs.

In week 7 the Grade Threes completed their Little Inventors designs ready for uploading. Hopefully we will get to see some on the Little Inventors website soon. The Grade Fours sadly did not have STEAM in week 7 due to the Labour Day holiday. In week 8 the Grade Threes and Fours came together for combined STEAM lessons where we conducted the much requested Elephant Toothpaste experiment and participated in a Lego escape challenge where we had to create structures to save a Lego person trapped at the bottom of a tub.

In week 9 the Preps, Grade Ones, Twos, Threes and Fours had an Easter end of term celebration. We looked at how our sense of smell works and conducted an Easter themed smell test experiment. We had to smell the contents of various plastic Easter eggs and see how many our noses could correctly detect. We turned the Blue Bots into Easter bunnies and created obstacle courses for them. We then had to create sequences of code for a partner to navigate the obstacle course. Some of the Grade Threes also had a bonus session and had to invent a way to pick up and carry an Easter egg without acctually touching it. 

Over the last few weeks the Grade Fives have been hard at work bringing their “How to make ACPS even more awesome” designs to life in the form of models. Some of these models have moving parts and are looking great so far. The final touches will be completed on these models in week 1 next term before we commence an exciting unit all about space!


Lego Club:

A reminder that Lego Club is on at recess on Mondays in the STEAM room. Everyone is welcome.


Kate Misra
