Performing Arts

                                  Sarah Bailey

Magic and Music

Our Harmony day provided opportunity for students to perform their cultural songs 'Funga Alafia' (African welcome) and 'Inanay' (Australian indigenous) in front of other grades. It was terrific to see the enthusiasm of students to try new things this term with their voices, instruments and by working together. Well done everyone on your focus, efforts, courage and encouragement of each other! 


We also finished off our Magic unit this week. The Grade 6s put on their own Magic shows for their Prep buddies. I loved seeing the enormous eyes of the Preps at the surprising tricks and their minds ticking over about how the illusion worked. The Prep students in turn tapped into their entertainer skills to pull off some tricks for the Grade 6s. Check out these cute photos. 

Shrek Jr Production

FINAL COMMITMENT and PAYMENT is DUE 9 APRIL for Shrek participation on Compass (in Events). This must be completed to ensure your child can attend future rehearsals and are provided with costume and Shrek cast/crew T-shirts. Please email if a payment plan is required prior to 9 April cut off. 



Please refer to Compass notice "Shrek Jr HOLIDAY REHEARSALS and KEY DATES" (and hardcopy sent home today) dated 28/3/24. 

This fortnight the students worked hard with Eliza our guest singing teacher to uplevel their sound and timing and also prepared for the Term 1 final assembly item "Freak Flag Fly" to showcase some of their hard work thus far. 


Here is the link to the SHREK PRODUCTION FOLDER which includes soundtracks for students to practise at home. 


Tickets now available via Trybooking


As always, any queries or concerns please let me know,


Sarah Bailey


Natarsha Kenny, Sarah Bailey, Kate Misra, Julie Clarke
Natarsha Kenny, Sarah Bailey, Kate Misra, Julie Clarke