Principal's Report

Thank you for a great Term One

As we approach the Easter break, I would like to thank all of our staff, students and parents for your dedication, support, and active participation in our school community. Together, we continue to make ACPS a special place for these wonderful young children and I am so appreciative of the role each of you play. 


Given many of our students have been working hard this Term on their story writing, I thought I would take this opportunity to write my own story and share the highlights of the Term through the eyes of a fictional young student called Andy. Though a fictional character I do feel his eyes give an accurate insight into actual school life at ACPS for our students. 


Enjoy the read and I look forward to seeing everyone back next Term. 


Andy's ACPS Adventure
Once upon a time, there was me, Andy (short for Anderson), a new kid in Warrandyte about to step into a whole new world at my new primary school ACPS. I was nervous, I won't lie. Thoughts swirled in my head: "Will I make friends? Will I get lost? Will people play with me? Will my teacher be nice?" But as I walked up the path to school, I felt this weird mix of nervousness and excitement. It was like I was meant to be there, like I belonged.
As I entered the schoolyard, I was greeted by a bunch of smiling faces. Kids came up to me from everywhere, saying hi and welcoming me to their school. They asked me where I came from and invited me to play straight away. Suddenly, my worries started to fade away. It felt so good to be surrounded by friendly faces.
As the day went on I noticed that everyone was talking about the Swimming Carnival coming up on Thursday. I felt a rush of excitement and nerves. I loved swimming, but I'd never been in a race before. What if I could not make it? What if I stopped half way and felt scared and out of breath. 
When the big day arrived, I stood by the pool, heart pounding. But as soon as the race began, all my worries disappeared. I swam my heart out, focused only on reaching the finish line. And when I did, I felt like I could conquer anything. Looking at all the other kids I am pretty sure they all felt the same way about themselves too. Things just got better and better. We had novelty races and even a free swim where we could all hop in the pool and play. 
As the weeks passed, I found myself loving school more and more. I made great friends and felt like part of a big school family. This is a special place, I thought to myself. We had so many fun things in Term 1, from Happy Harold's visit to our THRIVE Afternoon playing Minute to Win It games, this cool weekend event called Run Warrandyte that we all trained for and ran in as a team. I even joined the school production - Shrek the Musical Jnr and rehearsed every week in the Theatre with my friends, Gavin, Mrs Bailey and a whole group of amazing parents to help us out. I just cannot believe how generous they are to teach us how to be performers and tech crew extraordinaires. Then there is perhaps the greatest day of my life! The Harmony Day Colour Run. Racing through obstacles, getting soaked with water and covered in bright powder, with everyone cheering me on—it was the "Best Day Ever." It actually looked like our parents had the greatest day ever too, and all they did was shoot us with water pistols and throw things at us. How strange. Mr Webber said he had parents volunteering from everywhere to help. 
Oh, and let me tell you about this crazy weekly tradition we have at our school. Every Friday, the whole place turns into a hide-and-seek battlefield, with everyone scrambling to find hidden golden marbles and coins. While avoiding being tagged by Mr Webber. It was like a scene out of a treasure hunt movie, except with more giggles and no pirates. Now, here's the kicker: this game goes by quicker than a cheetah on roller skates. I swear, its like Mr. Webber, our principal, has it down to a perfect science of running just long enough that he looks like a hide and seek ninja but is astoundingly self aware of his niggling old sporting injuries and fitness limitations. 
And then, before I knew it, Term 1 was almost over. As I packed my bag to head on holiday  and visit my Grandma and Grandad for Easter, I couldn't wait to tell them all about my amazing adventures at ACPS. I was sad to leave school for a little while, but I was also excited for the holidays and all the fun yet to come in Term 2.

Written by,

A Proud Principal 

Harmony Day Colour Run and Fundraiser

A huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of our Harmony Day Colour Run! Whether you donated, volunteered as a parent helper, cheered from the sidelines, took photos or supported in any way your efforts made a huge difference. Together, we've shown the power of unity and community spirit to create a memorable and positive event for our community. 


I am very excited to share that we raised a total of $3301!!





Daniel Webber
