Year 1/2


In Reading we have been practising Inferring and using our prior knowledge as well as the clues in the text to think about what the author is trying to tell us in the story. We also listened to some stories with our eyes shut and visualised in our minds what was happening in the story without the pictures. We spoke about this being an important skill for when we start to read chapter books that don't have lots of pictures. 


In Writing we have been loving creating seeds for our Writer's Notebook and creating some stories! We are working on developing our characters and story lines.


In Maths, we are learning about Place Value and are enjoying making numbers with MAB blocks, bundling sticks and other materials. We are learning about numbers in the tens, hundreds and thousands. 


Students have continued to participate in daily morning circles and are loving the positive primers each day. We have talked about strategies we can use to get ourselves feeling ready to learn and students have enjoyed creating their own Ready to Learn Scales.

Story Dogs

Last Friday, we had Victoria and Bella from Story Dogs come to read to us all. We loved hearing the stories and we loved meeting Bella afterwards!

1/2 Sport

Every Friday we are loving spending time together in 1/2 Sport playing some fun team games with the focus on teamwork and playing fairly and honestly. 

A few reminders:

  • please check SeeSaw for updates on your child's learning 
  • please remind your child to bring their hat to school each day
  • In week 9, we will be uploading a piece of work onto Compass with teacher assessment that reflects your child's learning in Maths. We will send a notification through Compass and an announcement on SeeSaw when they are ready to view

We hope everyone has a great weekend!

1/2 teachers,

Maddi Rhodes, Brie White, Jess Jones, Mikhala Vawdrey & Alice Warburton