Students of the Week

Term 2 - Week 1
Edie P-D - Congratulations Edie, you are a superstar student! You walk into school each day with a bright smile and a ready-to-learn attitude. Your willingness to learn is infectious to everyone around you. I am so proud of all the hard work that you put in each and every day. Keep up the awesome work Edie!
Myles A - Congratulations Myles, your energy and enthusiasm for learning is contagious. You are such a focused, helpful and dedicated learner in our classroom. You always try your best and are on the lookout for ways you can help those around you. Foundation J is lucky to have such a helpful and kind student!
Darcy M - Darcy, you are shining very brightly this term! Your enthusiasm in every lesson is infectious, always eager to contribute and putting your hand up to share your thoughts. Your dedication to giving your best effort in every task is truly wonderful. You are an absolute star!
Alex McB - For showing a big improvement with your letter formation - well done!
Sidney P - Well done Sidney! I have been so impressed with your incredible attitude in reading, and the way that you always try your best no matter what the activity we are working on. You should be so proud of your efforts!
Nina D - Nina, you consistently put in your very best effort to get the most out of each day. You are always actively involved in class discussions and happily share your wonderful ideas. Well done!
Remi E - Regognising Remy for his outstanding efforts on his holiday project! Remy, I'm incredibly impressed by the dedication you showed in creating such a detailed recount and presenting it on a captivating poster. What's truly remarkable is your ability to speak to an audience about your work with such maturity. Your presentation was absolutely captivating.
Willow B - For delivering an outstanding presentation to the class on the topic - 'My School Holidays'. You were well prepared, entertaining and delivered your speech with enthusiasm and confidence. Your use of cue cards and creative PowerPoint engaged your audience beautifully. Congratulations Willow!
Isla McK - Well done Isla for your wonderful effort with your Share and Learn presentation! You were well prepared, and we loved hearing about your holidays. Great job on giving it a go and showing resilience. Keep up the great work Isla!
Esther M - You did such an awesome job in Maths, using your addition skills to come up with so many words that were worth $50 and $100. It was great to see your enthusiasm and willingness to share them with your classmates on the whiteboard. Go Esther!
Luke M - Luke, congratulations on a wonderful start to the term. Your positive attitude and quiet determination to do your very best when working on tasks has been so impressive. Thank you for always displaying respect to all and for being a role model to others. Keep up the hard work!
Daniel Z - For showing courage when reaching out to play with some new friends, and applying feedback to your work to continuously improve. Keep up the great attitude!
Abigail G - For working hard to complete your celebrations PowerPoint over the holidays and presenting it to the class. Well done!
Daisy B - Daisy, we love the infectious energy you bring every day to the classroom. Thank you for cleverly crafting a presentation about your holidays, and sharing this with your peers.
Lydia N - Lydia, what remarkable engagement and enthusiasm you demonstrated during our recent excursion to Edendale Farm. Your curiosity shone through as you posed insightful questions, sprouting seeds of curiosity in all of us. In addition, your exemplary behaviour and respectful demeanour showcased the finest qualities of our school community, making you a stellar ambassador for our school. Keep up the amazing work!
Ffion A - Ffion, you have exceptional qualities that stand out from the crowd. You always give 100% in all that you do. You should be very proud! Well done, champ!
Levi A-D - For wowing us with wonderful information about your holiday, your attitude is contagious. I’ve loved your start to term, Levi!
Ollie W - For being super inquisitive and full of interesting information on our excursion at Edendale Farm.
Charlie M - Charlie, you consistently demonstrate thoughtfulness, kindness, compassion and care towards your peers and teachers - this is a credit to your character. Some days, your kindness alone changes people’s ‘bad days’ into great ones! The positive attitude and sense of joy that you bring to our class everyday influences us all so much. So proud of you.
Term 2 - Week 2
Persephone O - For being a sounding-out superstar, hooray! You're doing such an awesome job with your take-home readers and all your letter sounds! Keep up the fantastic work.
Freddie A - Congratulations Freddie! Your positive attitude, kindness, exceptional listening skills, and great sense of humour brighten our classroom. Your dedication to learning shines through in everything you do. Keep up the fantastic work, you're truly an amazing little legend!
Zac C - From starting to read and write to being kind and using your best listening, what a fantastic start to Term 2 you have had!
Tori P - Congratulations Tori - you are a superstar! You are such a kind and caring class member, and you always have a big smile on your face! We appreciate everything you do for 1M. Keep it up, legend!
Jonah G - Jonah, I have been so impressed with your writing. You have made sure all of your well-thought-out ideas are written in correct sentences, with finger spaces, full stops, and letters facing the right way. You are a superstar!
Lennox F - Lennox, well done for being such a fantastic member of 2K. You have been working so hard on all tasks and trying your best, even when you come up against challenges. It has been great to see your enthusiasm for your learning.! Thanks for being such a positive member of our classroom. Keep it up!
Billy J-V - Your positive attitude towards your reading and writing has been outsatnding. We are so extremely proud of all of your efforts and love your beaming smile and funny stories. Congratulations Billy!
Joshua H - Well done Josh for being such a wonderful helper in the classroom! You always go above and beyond to ensure our learning space is tidy and help your friends during pack up times. Keep up the great work Josh!
Emerson T - For your continuous, conscientious effort during all lessons, striving to reach your personal best. Keep up the great work, Emerson.
Saeron L - Saeron, thank you for the constant positive attitude you bring to our classroom everyday. You treat others with respect and display the school values constantly. Your approach to your learning is admirable, as you also seek to challenge and get the best out of yourself. Thank you for being a wonderful role model for 3/4B.
Annabella B - For writing a beautiful letter to an ANZAC soldier which demonstrates your compassion and thoughtfulness for others. We are so lucky to have such a kind and hardworking student in our class.
Jacob B - Jacob, you did a fantastic job during cross country, showing grit and determination! Congratulations on making the district team.
Ethan C - Ethan, the passion you demonstrated when discussing your ANZAC family heritage was inspiring. 3/4R were so lucky to learn from you this week. Well done!
Archie McQ - Archie, your unwavering focus and dedication to your classwork has been truly commendable. Despite tempting distractions, you have tackled your work with the finesse of Zach Merrett. Your ability to keep your eye on the ball, both figuratively in the classroom and literally on the field, led to your excellent book report on 'The Wild Robot' and a great first game of ISS. Keep kicking goals!
Fynn W - Fynn, you really excel when it comes to open discussions in class, I enjoy your student voice and thoughts. Great work!
Jensen M - Working hard, success. Improvement, success. Curiosity, compassion, courage, success, success, success. You're putting the success into 5/6S! Well done, Jensen!
Hera A-L - For your kind heart and selfless attitude. It is an absolute delight to have you in 5/6T Hera!
Daniel F - What an incredible start to the term you are having, Daniel. You are demonstrating growth, perseverance and resilience in your learning, and this is particularly noticeable in Maths. When you participate in class discussions, you provide different points of view, and should feel confident when giving your opinion or thoughts. You are such a value member of our class. I am so proud of you Daniel, and you should be too.