Leadership @ MPS

Welcome to Term 2!

We have certainly hit the term running over the past two weeks with so many special events in classrooms and the community - there is no doubt that the Monty school spirit is alive and well! Thank you to all parents who came to cheer on our runners at last week's cross country, it was so wonderful to see every child participate with such energy and determination. Special congratulations to those who will progress to the upcoming district trials - run like the wind!


Special Assemblies

This morning we held our first tribute assembly and morning tea celebration for the grandparents and special friends in our children's lives (and ANZAC Day). This new format has come about due to our increase in numbers which makes classroom visits and tours increasingly difficult to manage. A special assembly and morning tea enables us to welcome all our guests for a celebration where the students across the school can showcase their reflections on the importance of these special people in their lives. We will continue this format for our celebration of Mother's Day in two weeks, where we have planned a tribute assembly and morning tea on Friday morning, 10th May - a date for your diaries!


Now that we have commenced Term 2, classroom teachers are fully engaged in the learning content, but please feel free to make a time to see your child's teacher if you need any clarification on your child's progress or if you have any important information to share.


Comedy Night

We are so excited about our upcoming Comedy Night event for parents/carers on June 14th! Tickets are now on sale (and are limited so please get in quickly!) please see the flyer at the bottom of this page and on the Community Events page also. As always, these events cannot go ahead without the assistance of parent volunteers. We need volunteer helpers for the Silent Auction, set up/decorating and bar sales. If you are able to assist- please sign up!


Building news

Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in our grant application for department funding to complete our recently mandated upgrading of our fire services. As a result, we will now have to use all of our building project contingency funds that we had allocated for the front entrance and fence renovations. We will still go ahead with the front entrance works but will need to continue discussions about how we manage this.


Sibling Enrolments 2025

We ask that parents of current students who have a sibling commencing in Foundation next year to please submit an enrolment form as soon as possible as planning for 2025 has already commenced.


Shout Out

After last week's Grade 5/6 Interschool sport, Paul received a phone call from the Principal of St Thomas PS. He called to thank us for the remarkable young men and women of our Grade 5 and 6 cohort. He went on to tell how he witnessed multiple acts of our students showing extraordinary sportsmanship, kindness and compassion towards their fellow competitors. He noted how thoughtful and polite they were, and how well they represented themselves, their families and their school. Thank you, parents, for raising such magnificent young people - we are so grateful for them all.


Mother's Day Celebration 

As mentioned above, after thoughtful consideration, we have decided to transition away from the Mother’s Day breakfast that we have hosted for the past few years. Whilst this event has been mostly successful, it has become increasingly costly and presents significant administrative challenges. This year’s event will a special Mother’s Day tribute assembly, followed by an old-fashioned morning tea for our guests.


Date:  Friday, 10th May

Time: 9am in the Discovery Centre


We would love it if parents could bring a small plate of morning tea to share. Additionally, we are excited to share that the children have been working with a specialist teacher to create a special gift to add a personal touch to the celebration!



House/Dog Sitter Wanted!


Hello Monty PS community, 


We’re the Bunns and we are looking for a house renter/dog sitter from July 1st 2024 for a 6-month period whilst we are travelling around Australia. We live in Montmorency and have a gorgeous 2 & 1/2-year-old Hungarian Viszla called Hux. 


If you’re interested and would like to know further details please contact Penny on 0432 235 512.


Kind Regards, 
