From the Principal's Desk...
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Holy Week
Thank you to all the students and their teachers that have lead us in prayer services each day this week as we came together as a school community each morning to reflect and pray during Holy Week.
School Attendance
As we come to the end of Term 1, I thought it would be timely to remind our families of the importance of regular school attendance that we have previously shared.
A clear pre-requisite for school success is student attendance. There are times throughout the year where illness and appointments require absence from school, however, it is essential for every student to be in attendance at school each day, making the most of their lessons and learning journey opportunities. There is a very strong correlation between school attendance and improved student outcomes. Thank you for your assistance in maintaining a high standard in this area. Please ensure family holidays are booked to align with the school holidays. Birthdays are not seen as a valid reason for non-attendance either.
Staff Farewell
We wish Mrs Anna Fletcher-Hackett all the best as she takes up a new full-time teaching position elsewhere. The students in Pre-Primary to Year 4 have enjoyed having Anna as their Art Teacher in Term 1. We are in the process of finalising her replacement for the rest of this year. Check out some of the work the Pre-Primary to Year 4 have done this term - click here.
System Leaders' Renewal Leave
I will be away on System Leaders' Renewal Leave from 15 April until 30 April. In my absence Miss Melissa Myles will be Acting Principal, supported by Mr Luke Vine.
On behalf of the staff, we wish all our community a Holy Easter and safe and happy holidays! We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 15 April as we commence Term 2.
Peace & Happy Days!
Santino Giancono