Information Technology

Integration of Multiple Technologies for Student Learning.

ICT Facilities

Throughout the college we provide teachers and students with a broad range of technologies to enhance student learning. 


ICT equipped areas which includes:-

·   Specialist lab for Digital Technology, Media and Photography.

·   Early Years - Every student has access to a netbook.

·   Over 95% of our classrooms have either interactive projectors or LCD TV's.



-  Current existing fleet of over 60 desktop computers for specialist classes.

-  We maintain a highly reliable cabled and wireless network with fiber-optic backbone.


BYOD, is a technology trend in the education and corporate environments worldwide.

Students are more comfortable using their personal device and  become expert at using it, making them more productive.


Our program is designed to give students and families the freedom to make technology choices that suit them and all their circumstances. 


The school network and internet are filtered, providing a safe environment for students.


All students in Years 5 - 10 are required to bring their own device to school every day charged and ready to work.


More information is available on our website 


Parent Communication

We use COMPASS as our main means of communication between staff, students and families. 


The college newsletter is online and published each month, providing families with information or activities and upcoming events across the college.


COMPASS provides students and parents with secure access to timetables, reports, attendance, events and parent teacher interview bookings and more.  Access is available via the Compass mobile app and Compass website. 



Facebook is used to share stories about school life, activities and events. 

The college Facebook page is