
With a strong emphasis on developing every student’s intra and interpersonal skills, students study the physical, social and mental aspects of health.


Macleod College delivers Health as a core subject from Years 7 through to Year 10.  VCE Health and Human Development is a popular choice for students. This emphasises the value the college places on the health and wellbeing of every student in the Macleod           community.


Health education contributes to quality of life by developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable control of personal wellbeing. With a strong emphasis on developing every student's intra and interpersonal skills, students study the physical, social and mental aspects of health and are encouraged to make healthy choices for life.


Our goal is to develop strong connections with each student and personalize their learning environment in order to foster positive social and emotional wellbeing. 


The main themes of our Health Curriculum are:


Year 7

Friendship, Bullying, Sun Safety, Safety and Puberty. Students explore topics such as the transition into secondary school, friendship, bullying and cyber safety. Student developed strategies to deal with bullying and cyber safety.

Year 8

Nutrition, Lifestyle Diseases, Risk Taking, Mental Health Promotion and Sexual Health. Students develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable control of personal health and wellbeing. Students identify the factors that influence food choices and work towards developing an understanding of nutrition. They investigate risk factors for lifestyle diseases and devise strategies to protect themselves in the future. Students examine the impacts of drugs and alcohol on the various dimensions of health. 


Year 9

Personal Identity, Youth Development, Risk Taking, Safety and Sexual Health. Students study the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during adolescence and work towards identifying the factors that influence their own development. 


They look at the elements that contribute to the development of personal identity. Students also investigate misconceptions often held in regards to social issues. They use this knowledge to share their findings to the wider community. 


Year 10

Let’s Talk about Sex - Students explore topics relating to sexuality and sexual health, including consent, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, relationships, and accessing support services. 


Party Program - Students explore topics relating to safety, alcohol/ drugs and respectful relationships. 


R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Students explore topics relating to    social health, relationships, personal boundaries and bullying on a personal, community and global level. 


From Survive to Thrive - Students explore topic relating to factors affecting Mental Health including; body image, genetics, sociocultural factors, stress, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, Self-Care and more.


VCE Health and Human Development Units 1 & 2 include The health and development of Australia's youth and individual human development and health issues.


VCE Health and Human Development Units 3 & 4 include Australia's health and global health and human development.