German Studies

German at Macleod prepares students for an international world of communication.

                                                          Ms Wallace       Mr Baumgartner


Why study GERMAN 

In addition to boosting VCE scores, German is the most widely spoken second language in Europe. 


In an increasingly globalised world German will provide access to the language, culture and a wealth of business opportunities in Australia and abroad. 


Studies show there are a number of advantages of language learning, such as: 

-    significantly improved VCE results

-    greater range of options for study and employment in the future

-    development of problem-solving skills, memory strategies and improved literacy skills

-    improved brain functionality, with long term health benefits- development of             

     intercultural skills and   understanding


Engagement & Differentiation 

At Macleod College it is our aim to provide an engaging and differentiated curriculum, in order to challenge students at all year levels, such as: 

-    use of technology and language learning programs

-    cross-curricular units of work

-    hands-on learning experiences


Activities & Opportunities

All language learning activities and events are selected and designed to support the language and cultural understanding of students studying German at Macleod College, such as: 

-    Tour of Germany, Austria and surrounding German-speaking countries, and       

      reciprocal sister school exchange experience

-     Excursions: East  Melbourne Lutheran church and the Annual German Film Festival

-     Interschool  preparation for VCE Oral Examination

-    Students participate from Years 4-9 in the AGTV Poetry Competition and do brilliantly,           with at least  one State Finalist each year

-    Students participate and win prizes in the AGTV German Writing Competition

 -   Students can apply for scholarships to Germany and courses at the Goethe Institute            in Melbourne CBD.