Studying English helps us to understand ourselves and our place in the world; to not only ask questions but to think critically and creatively.
Studying English helps us to understand ourselves and our place in the world; to not only ask questions but to think critically and creatively.
While English is a compulsory subject there are many benefits to the study of English. English helps us to understand ourselves and our place in the world while also leading us to ask questions and to think critically about current issues, events and cultural phenomena.
Victorian Curriculum outlines the government requirements for the study of English and it is divided into three major components: Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening. In meeting these requirements Macleod College involves students in a range of engaging activities at each year level.
At Macleod College we understand that students approach their learning in different ways, therefore work may be differentiated in terms of content, process and product. Regardless of their skill levels all students are offered a rich and varied program.
Examples of some overarching themes and learning activities at each level include:
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Each term students select from a variety of study units that include:
A range of English studies are offered in years 11 and 12 including