Co-Curricular Activities

Opportunities to enhance our learning and extend beyond the classroom.

Co-curricular activities are a major component of the Macleod Educational Program and enhance the learning experiences of our students.


Incursions, excursions and themed activities enable our students to develop personal land team skills and put their knowledge into practice.


Many of our co-curricular activities run across the whole school and include all our students. Programs  such as Wellbeing, Music and Sport enable students   to develop new skills outside of the classroom which in turn enhance their learning in many different ways. 


They  bring  our  college together and  give students and staff the opportunity to build  community spirit and develop strong relationships.


Within their year levels, students are encouraged to participate in activities that pertain to their stage of education such as literacy and numeracy activity days, performance and presentation days, and study skills workshops.

Co-curricular activities run by faculties extend our students by giving them the opportunity to put their studies into practice. 


The Science Fair, Medieval Feast, Ancient Cultures Expo and Poetry Cafe are just a few of the really engaging  programs that are run throughout the year.


In the senior years subject selection, career plans and short courses are supported by our careers teacher and the Later Years Team. 


Guest speakers, TAFE tasters and work experience opportunities all provide our students with the opportunity to step outside the school environment and translate their skills and learning into practice.

We also run a range of active Clubs for all year levels.